Perform multiplication function using the calculator

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131585787


Project is a continuation of the calculator graphical user interface program that you wrote in project 1. Enhance the calculator program to accomplish the following 4 operations.

1. Perform addition function using the calculator graphical user interface. Write code to add a plus (+) button in calculator graphical interface, and write code so that two numbers can be added, when the plus button is pressed.

2. Perform subtraction function using the calculator graphical user interface. Write code to add a minus (-) button in calculator graphical interface, and write code so that you can subtract one number from the other, when the minus button is pressed.

3. Perform multiplication function using the calculator graphical user interface. Write code to add a multiplication (x) button in calculator graphical interface, and write code so that two numbers can be multiplied, when the multiplication button is pressed.

4. Perform division function using calculator graphical user interface. Write code to add a divide (/) button in calculator graphical interface, and write code so that two numbers can be divided, when the division button is pressed. Handle error condition raised, if divided by zero. In other words, the program should not terminate, or throw exception, if the user is trying to divide by zero. Instead, the calculator will say "Cannot divide by zero".

You can demonstrate the use of whole number in your program. You are not required to code for decimal values. You may use any programming language of your choice, examples are Java, or C++, or C# etc. It is typical that the students would use the same programming language for Project 2, which they used for Pproject1.

Deliverables for this project include the following sections. Label the section appropriately, as noted below.

Section 1- Approach

Write up, or explanation on your approach. Write a paragraph, or two on this. Section 2- Assumptions
Write up, or explanation on any assumption that you have made. Write a paragraph, or two on this. If you have not made any assumption, you may keep this section empty.

Section 3- Not Implemented

Write up, or explanation on functions that you were not able to implement. Explain challenges faced, and effort you made to resolve it. Write a paragraph, or two on this. Consider this your

way to defend yourself and explain the effort made. If you have implemented all the functions, then keep this section empty.

Section 4 - lessons Learned

Write up on what lessons you have learned. Write a paragraph, or two on this.

Section 5- Possible Improvements
Write up on ways to improve your code. Improvement could be something you would have done different, but was not able to do because the scope, or time did not permit, functions that you were not able to implement and the reason for not doing, a different approach that you would have taken a different way of solving the problem etc. Write a paragraph, or two on this.

Section 6 - Source Code

Include the source code that you have written. Copy and paste it in the MS Word document. Section 7 - Test Plans
Write up on the test conditions (test plans) that you have tested. Include the positive test (conditions that pass the program), and negative test (conditions that will make the program not perform), explain those scenarios.

Section 8 - Test Runs with Screen Shot

Include screen shots of user interfaces generated while you tested the program. For example, when you run the program, you will receive GUI output, or console output. Include screen shot of each test run of the GUI output to support successful running of the program. Use these screen shots to demonstrate that you have successfully run the program and tested it.

Reference no: EM131585787

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8/1/2017 5:15:17 AM

Grading Attribute Meets Functionality I will look at your documentation (containing copy and paste of code) and also the zip file (containing the source code) for this. Maximum possible points: 40 Writes a program that meets the functionality of plus, minus, multiply and divide Output I will look at your documentation and source code for this. Maximum possible points: 30 Generates the expected GUI and the test results. Documentation I will look at your documentation for this. Maximum possible points: 30 High quality of the documentation provided, including the 8 sections.

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