Perform k-means clustering on the dataset

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131986090

Assignment Task - Clustering

To be completed in R/RStudio.

The Dataset for task - East West Airlines (Please refer to the assigned dataset).

The East West airlines dataset contains information on 1000 passengers who belong to an airline's frequent flier program. For each passenger, the data include information on their mileage history and on different ways they accrued or spent miles in the last year. The goal is to try to identify clusters of passengers that have similar characteristics for targeting different segments for different types of mileage offers.

For the dataset, complete the following tasks:

Missing Values:

  • Are there any anomalies (unusual data/missing values) in the given dataset? Support your answer with appropriate argument.
  • List possible strategies to handle cases with unusual or missing values in data (if applicable)?


  • Perform k-means clustering on the dataset.
  • What would be the optimal value of 'k' in this case? Explain how you came to this conclusion.
  • Which cluster(s) would you target for offers, and what type of offers would you make to customers in that cluster? Include proper reasoning in support of your choice of cluster(s) and the corresponding offer(s).
  • Mention the business proposition for the first largest cluster. What potential offers can you make for this cluster, to increase ticket sales?
  • If applicable, mention the business proposition for the second largest cluster.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM131986090

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