Perform in-order traversal to print all students in the tree

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM132082627

needs to be written in just regular c++ , and needs to be able to fucntion with the M numbers that are provided in the instructions

Objective: To be familiar binary search tree and hash table.

Description: Implement a binary search tree using hash table.

In this project, you are required to implement a binary search tree using hash table. In C++, hash table is represented by the STL class template: unordered_map. Please check this page for member functions and examples of unordered_map.

In the binary search tree, each node contains a student object. The student object should contains M#, phone number, and address. M# is a string starting with char ‘M' and followed by digits, such as "M12345678". In the hash map, the key is student's M#, and the value associated with the key is the following structure:

struct TreeNode {

Student item;

string left_child_M#;

string right_child_M#;


If the M# of its left or right child doesn't exist, set its value to "M00000000".


Define and implement Student class. Make sure it contains M#, phone number, and address, all getters and setters, and constructors. In addition, override < operator to compare student objects by M#, and the << operator for output.

Define and implement BST class to represent binary search tree. In this class, you should have:

A member data of the type unordered_map< string, TreeNode> to hold nodes in the binary search tree.

Member functions for in-order traversal, searching by M#, inserting a new Student object, and deleting by M#.

In the main function, which should be included in ola6.cpp file, please perform the following operation in the given step:

Create an empty binary search tree;

Insert the following M#s to the BST in the given order: M00000005, M00000003, M00000002, M00000001, M00000004, M00000006, M00000009, M00000008, M00000007. M00000010. Feel free to come up with other information for each student object.

Perform in-order traversal to print all students in the tree;

Search the student with M# = ‘M00000007'. Print all information of the student.

Delete the student with M# = ‘M00000002';

Perform in-order traversal to print all students in the tree;

Delete the student with M# = ‘M00000005'.

Perform in-order traversal to print all students in the tree;

Reference no: EM132082627

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