Perform environmental scanning with the royal hospital

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131956152

Clinical Management Practice

Assessment Guidelines

Assignment about vision 2 (attached) in OMAN Health vision 2050, write in academic writing with citation and references in APA style

5 Years Strategic Workforce Plan about Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health System(focus at Royal Hospital in Oman)

- The final paper is all about the formulation of 5 YearsStrategic Workforce Plan based on the visions for Human Resources for Health stated in theOMAN MOH Health Vision 2050.

- Read carefully the Health Vision 2050 particularly chapter 8 - Human Resources for Health in the Sultanate of Oman pages 122 to 141.

- Choose (Page 136).Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health Systemof the 4 visions for human resources for health (focus at Royal Hospital in Oman)

- Briefly discuss each column of the template used.

- Our group will choose Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health System page 136 of the Oman ministry of health Vision 2050 for Human Resources as point of reference.

- The rubric for written assignment used in the Institute will be utilized in marking.

- Total word count is from 2500 to 3000 (excluding the tables, charts, graphs, etc.)

- The template utilized in the 1st semester in preparing a strategic plan can then be used again.

- The paper is also expected to have its introduction (Royal Hospital In Oman), body and conclusion. It is up to the group to include necessary and appropriate subheadings.

- It is also expected that there will be enough exploration of updated literature with necessary analysis and synthesis.

- Recommendations are as important as the analysis and synthesis and should be properly supported by literature.

• Perform environmental scanning with the Royal hospital in Oman focusing on human resource in relation to its workforce.
• Identify related problems associated with the above focus. Relate, use and refer to the actions stated within the vision.

Recommendation of Table of Contents


Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health SystemIDENTIFICATION OF Royal Hospital GOALS

Critical analysis of Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health System

Operating Policies and Procedures

Critical Analysis of Organizational Policies and Procedures

FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN OF Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health System



• Political Factors
• Economic Factors
• Social Factors
• Technological Factors:
• Legal Factors
• Environmental Factors
Major Problems Identified and Solutions
Review of the Challenges



Attachment:- guidelines.rar

Reference no: EM131956152

Questions Cloud

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Perform environmental scanning with the royal hospital : Clinical Management Practice - Perform environmental scanning with the Royal hospital in Oman focusing on human resource in relation to its workforce
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4/24/2018 7:25:35 AM

I have this assignment about vision 2 page 136 in OMAN Health vision 2050, please write in academic writing with citation and references in APA style avoid plagiarism (Turnitin report attached) I attached two files for this assignment about vision 2 page 136 in OMAN Health vision 2050, please read guideline in file attached carefully and write assignment in academic writing with citation and references in APA style avoid plagiarism (Turnitin report attached)

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