Reference no: EM131956152
Clinical Management Practice
Assessment Guidelines
Assignment about vision 2 (attached) in OMAN Health vision 2050, write in academic writing with citation and references in APA style
5 Years Strategic Workforce Plan about Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health System(focus at Royal Hospital in Oman)
- The final paper is all about the formulation of 5 YearsStrategic Workforce Plan based on the visions for Human Resources for Health stated in theOMAN MOH Health Vision 2050.
- Read carefully the Health Vision 2050 particularly chapter 8 - Human Resources for Health in the Sultanate of Oman pages 122 to 141.
- Choose (Page 136).Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health Systemof the 4 visions for human resources for health (focus at Royal Hospital in Oman)
- Briefly discuss each column of the template used.
- Our group will choose Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health System page 136 of the Oman ministry of health Vision 2050 for Human Resources as point of reference.
- The rubric for written assignment used in the Institute will be utilized in marking.
- Total word count is from 2500 to 3000 (excluding the tables, charts, graphs, etc.)
- The template utilized in the 1st semester in preparing a strategic plan can then be used again.
- The paper is also expected to have its introduction (Royal Hospital In Oman), body and conclusion. It is up to the group to include necessary and appropriate subheadings.
- It is also expected that there will be enough exploration of updated literature with necessary analysis and synthesis.
- Recommendations are as important as the analysis and synthesis and should be properly supported by literature.
• Perform environmental scanning with the Royal hospital in Oman focusing on human resource in relation to its workforce.
• Identify related problems associated with the above focus. Relate, use and refer to the actions stated within the vision.
Recommendation of Table of Contents
Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health SystemIDENTIFICATION OF Royal Hospital GOALS
Critical analysis of Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health System
Operating Policies and Procedures
Critical Analysis of Organizational Policies and Procedures
FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN OF Vision 2: Human Resources for Health Developed to Sustain the Health System
• Political Factors
• Economic Factors
• Social Factors
• Technological Factors:
• Legal Factors
• Environmental Factors
Major Problems Identified and Solutions
Review of the Challenges
Attachment:- guidelines.rar