Perform an insertion sort on the file pointed

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13161792

Using only the local data already supplied in FileSort, perform an insertion sort on the file pointed to by fd. Use lseeks for this; do not try to create any sort of array or list. An array-based version of insertion is supplied for your reference.

Do not modify this code


void InsertSort(int vals[], int size) {
   int ndx, insNdx, toInsert;

   for (ndx = 1; ndx < size; ndx++) {
      toInsert = vals[insNdx = ndx];
      while (insNdx > 0 && toInsert < vals[insNdx-1]) {
         vals[insNdx] = vals[insNdx-1];
      vals[insNdx] = toInsert;

void InsertSort(int fd) {
   size_t ndx, limit;
   int toInsert, temp;


int main() {
   int fd, data;

   fd = open("temp.txt", O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_TRUNC, 0600);
   while (EOF != scanf("%d", &data))
      write(fd, &data, sizeof(int));


   lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
   while (0 != read(fd, &data, sizeof(int)))
      printf("%d ", data);

   return 0;



Reference no: EM13161792

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