Reference no: EM131434644
1) Local government leaders have asked you to provide information and recommendations for increasing sustainability in the community.
Perform an initial search to learn about green initiatives for a city in your area. (Houston, TX)
Write a 350- to 525-word proposal to your local government.
Include the following:
A summary of green initiatives for a city in your area.
Recommendations to your local government for creating a greener, more sustainable and livable community.
The proposal should include recommendations both for actions by the local government and by individual homeowners.
Explain how implementing these recommendations would promote sustainability and improve like for residents.
Include appropriate images.
Include a list of the sources you use.
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
2) Perform an analysis of an environmental issue.
Prepare a 5- to 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. If you first discuss options with your faculty member, you are also welcome to use a tool such as "Voice Thread" to add audio to your presentation.
Include the following:
A description of an environmental issue including the cause of the issue and its effects on the environment and people.
An explanation of how economics and personal lifestyle choice are involved in this issue.
An explanation of how individuals, communities, and/or governments are working to address the environmental issue.
Your opinion as to whether the issue is being adequately addressed and suggestions of ways it could be better addressed.
Include at least 2 outside resources for your presentation.
Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.
For Local Campus students, these are 10- to 15-minute oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations.
For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes.
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