Perform an audience analysis

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133321642

write a one to two pge project proposal (2.5.0 to 5.5.0 wrds) fthat includes specifics such as audience, purpose, and value of the project.

Be sure to provide the following information when drafting your outline:

  • General background information necessary for your audience to understand your topic
  • Explanation of why this is an issue of public interest

Seek to improve your organizational and delivery skills; you should be objective and neutral. This is not a persuasive speech, so do not share your opinion. You are to share information clearly with your audience so that they receive the information, understand it, and retain it.


  1. Select a topic.
  2. Find supporting materials.  Then find outside sources such as books, articles, websites, and interviews of experts on your topic. You must include a minimum of five outside sources for your speech. You will need to cite your sources orally during your speech and in the bibliography.
  3. Perform an audience analysis. Speaking effectively is greatly dependent on how well you analyze your audience and adapt your speech to them. Reflect on the demographic of the class and think about their interest in and knowledge of your topic. The more audience-centered your speech is, the more effective your speech will be.
  4. Wri te an outline of your informative speech  An informative speech has a desired outcome that demands a specific thesis. Be very clear on what you wish to inform your audience about. you should also include the following:
  • Any key research or quotes (supporting material)
  • At least five reputable sources for this speech (not blogs or unreliable websites)
  • Transitions

Reference no: EM133321642

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