Perform a swot analysis - zara

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Reference no: EM131380561 , Length: 3000 Words

Perform a SWOT analysis to determine the effects of these factors on the performance of the company - ZARA


Choose any company has a global presence that interests you as the subject of your study and assume that you have been appointed as an advisor by that company. Your task is to perform a SWOT analysis to determine the effects of these factors on the performance of the company.

You are required to research and report based on the patch work as described below.

Please read this section carefully, so that you are fully aware of what is required of you on this module.

The assessment we are adopting for this module is what is referred to as a Patchwork Portfolio (PP). A PP differs from a 'normal* portfoko in so far as it has a theme which ties all the pieces (patches) together. The final element of the portfolio evaluates how this theme can be traced through the body of work you have produced. For this portfolio the theme you will be asked to consider is "the business environment and Emerging Markets".

The four patches you must complete throughout the year are:

Patch 1: Analyse the Company's History and Growth. Submission - WEEKS A company's past can greatly affect the present and future state of the organisation. To begin your case study analyse and investigate the company's founding, critical incidents, structure and growth. Employ descriptive statistics to support your analysis and investigation.

Patch 2: Carry out the SWOT analysis of the Company. Submission - WEEK S.Using the information you gathered in step one, continue your analysis by examining and making a list of SWOT factors, for example.

- Strengths: The firm's strengths are its resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a Competitive advantage, e.g. strong brand name, good reputabon, favourable access to distribution networks etc.

- Weaknesses: The absence of certain strengths may be viewed as a weakness. e.g. high
cost structure, lack of patent protection. lack of access to the best natural resources etc.

- Opportunities: The external environment analysis may reveal certain new opportunities for profit and growth. e.g. introduction of new technology, an unfilled customer demand.
loosening of regulations etc.

- Threats: Changes in the external environment also may present threats to the firm. e.g change in consumer tastes, emergence of substitute products, new regulations etc.

Patch 3: Determine the effects of SWOT factors.

Using the information based on SWOT analysis in Patch 2, determine all the negative and positive effects of SWOT on the performance of the chosen company.

Patch 4: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. Submission - WEEK 13.Using the information in patches two and three, you will need to create an evaluation for this portion of your case study analysis regarding the compliance of the company to the 'Stakeholder Theory'.

Patch 5: Reflective Summary. Submission - WEEK 13.The final part of your case study analysis should include your learning outcome from the study undertaken and recommendations for the company. Every recommendation you make should be based on and supported by the
context of your case study analysis

References: Harvard referencing must be used.

To complete your portfolio and pass this module, you must undertake the following:

- Complete Patches 1 - 4 (above)

Write a reflective commentary for Patch 5 considering how Patches 1-4 contribute to your understanding of the business environment.


Patches 1- 4 are what we term "formative assessment, which means that even though the completion of this work is a formal requirement of this module, this work does not contribute to your final grade at the end of the year. Your final grade is determined by the completion of Patch 5. This assessment is what we refer to as -summative.

If you do not complete all aspects of this assessment, formative and summative, you will automatically be deemed not to have completed the work for the year, and therefore will fail.

By the end of this module students should be able to
- Identify a range of issues and debates through which to illustrate the impact of the business environment on business activity.
- Evaluate the conceptual categorisation of the business environment, and use models based on this categorisation in analysis.
- Describe how different business functions respond to changes in the business environment.
- Use, interpreter and understand a range of statistical and non-statistical tools and techniques to analyse business data and information.

Reflect upon learning and make connections between issues, business activity and appropriate data

Report Format



Strength -

Weaknesses -

Opportunities -

Threat -

- Negative on the Performance of the Company
- Positive Performance of the Company




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Zara is the largest in the world which outlines, produces, and vends clothing, footwear & accessories for kids, men & woman. Zara’s stock & stores are famous in the marts of world for excellent apparels, cloths, footwear & many accessories for various age groups of people. In European marts Zara is the supreme brand to sell garments. Its retail shop series appeal a huge group of consumer from various classesdue to major rivalry benefits that the outlet has over its major rivalry in the mart. Zara has observed prominent progression in caring its trade level & marts on top of its rivalry. It major rivalries in marts comprise Gap, Collins, American eagle, H & M, Bosinietc. that stocks various things.

Reference no: EM131380561

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2/2/2017 3:49:10 AM

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. Using the information in patches two and three, you will need to create an evaluation for this portion of your case study 20 marks analysis regarding the compliance of the company to the 'Stakeholder Theory. Reflective Summary. Your conclusion must convince the reader that they tie with the logical flow of your analysis. Analysis should include your learning outcome from the study undertaken and recommendations for the company. Every recommendation you make should be based on and supported by the context of your case study analysis. References Harvard referencing must be used.


2/2/2017 3:49:03 AM

Analyse the Company's History and Growth. A company's past can greatly affect the present and suture state of the organization. To begin your case study analysis, investigate the 25 marks company's founding, critical incidents, structure and growth. Carry out the SWOT analysis of the Company. Using the information you gathered in step one, continue your analysis by examining I) I) and making a list of SWOT factors. Information, evidence of review and relevancy of discussions Determine the effects of SWOT factors. Using the information based on SWOT analysis in step 2, determine all the negative and positive effects of SWOT on the performance of the chosen company.15 marks

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