Perform a suitable hypothesis test

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132201963

Statistics and Data Analysis - Statistical Modelling Assignment


This assignment will test your skills of collecting and analysing data to answer a specific business problem. It also gives you the opportunity to apply the theories you have learned in this course such as finding numerical summaries, displaying with appropriate graphs and using statistical inferences to solve business problems, including constructing hypotheses, test them and interpret the findings. You may have to use two Data sets. One Data set will be sent you via KOI student email individually and other you need to find or collect.

Suppose you are working for an agency who analyses airlines services Data of Australia to make a recommendation to improve Airport services to airline. You will be given series of research questions. Use your knowledge that you gain from this course to answer these questions by displaying appropriate outputs of Excel, StatKey or Wolfram alpha. Use these answers to write an executive summary which might be a valuable recommendation to Sydney Airport to improve their services to airlines.


There are two datasets involved in this assignment: Dataset 1 and Dataset 2, detailed below.

Dataset 1: You will receive an email that contains a dataset that is specifically allocated to you. This dataset is a subset of an International Airlines, Operated Flights and Seats to and from Australia sample file, provided by the Australian Government Open Data and has been edited to only include a subset of the cases and variables.

Data dictionary of the edited dataset is given in the following table.





Airlines comes in or goes out

I for in and O for out



Which Australian city airline

lands or Flies out.

Australian city names



Which international city

airline lands or flies out

International city names


Name of the airline

Name of the airline


Via which airport airlines


Short forms of various airports

Port country

Which country airlines

belongs to

Name of the country

Port Region

Which region airline belongs

Region name






Which country do the


Country name


Number of stops airlines



All Flights

Number flight in or out in

the month

Number in integer

Max seat

Number of maximum seats

Number in integer


Which year

Number in the year



Which month

Number of the month

Dataset 2: Collect data (e.g. via a survey) that will answer research question given in section 3. There is no requirement about the number of variables, sampling methods and sample size, but you need to justify your approaches in Section 1 (see below).

Both datasets should be saved in an Excel file (one file, separate worksheets). All data processing should be performed in Excel or Statkey

Prepare a report in a document file (.doc or .docx) which includes all relevant tables and figures, using the following structure:

1. Section 1: Introduction
a. Give a brief introduction about the assignment and search related Article and write a one paragraph of summary which should be a support for your assignment. You need to give the full citation of the article.
b. Dataset 1: Give a short description about this dataset. Is this primary or secondary data? What are the types of variables involved? Explain briefly what are the possible cases used in this study.
c. Dataset 2: Explain how you collect the data and discuss its limitation (e.g. whether your sample is biased). Is this primary or secondary data? What is/are the type(s) of variable(s) involved? Give a description of cases you consider for this data set.

2. Section 2: Analysis of single variable in Dataset 1
a. To answer the research question "What is the shape of the distribution of the variable All Flights?", provide a suitable numerical summary and graphical display for the variables All Flight of Dataset 1. Give a detail comments to answer the research question.
b. Now to answer the research question "Is the average number of flights came in and flew out to Australia in a month between September 2003 and September 2018 more than 30?" setup an appropriate hypotheses, perform hypotheses test by checking all the assumptions and answer the research question by writing the conclusion of the test.

3. Section 3: Analysis of two variables in Dataset 1
Sydney Airport has competition with its counterparts Melbourne and Brisbane. To identify which airport perform better find the answers for the following series of research questions and write good recommendations to Sydney Airport;

a. Give numerical summary and appropriate graphical display for comparing the variables Australian city only for those three main cities and Airlines by considering main three Airlines namely Singapore Airlines, Air New Zealand and Cathy Pacific Airways.
b. Perform a suitable hypothesis test at a 5% level of significance to test whether there is association between Australian City and Airlines by considering only those three cities and three airlines in the part (a).
c. Use the conclusion and contribution of the test in part b and outputs in part a, write an accurate information about which Airport perform best.

4. Section 4: Collect and analysis Dataset2
You are interested in finding that KOI student have good experience in Flying in or out through which airport in Australia specifically Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane. By considering appropriate number of cases and variable, give a proper graphical display and use it to write a comments.

5. Section 5: Discussion & Conclusion
a. Write and executive summary by combining all your findings in the previous sections which must be a valuable recommendation for Sydney Airport.
b. Give a suggestion for further research


A presentation/interview for the assignment is scheduled on Week 11, in your allocated tutorial.
You do NOT need to prepare a presentation material (e.g. power-point slides), instead, you will be asked to demonstrate and/or explain how you summarised the data and how you performed the analysis. You may be asked to reproduce what you have made in your written report (e.g. generate a chart or numerical summary using Excel or Statkey).

Attachment:- Assignment

Reference no: EM132201963

Questions Cloud

What is anticonsumption : What is anticonsumption? How important is market access to a consumer and how might it be limited?
Describe the operating characteristics of HIM profession : Explain and Describe the operating characteristics of a HIM profession. Are you required to have certification(s)? Explain why or why not.
What is hedonic consumption : What is hedonic consumption? What are utilitarian needs? What are the different kinds of relationships that a consumer might engage in with a product?
Allocating sales rep time case : Efficient Computing Systems (ECU) sells two product groups: System I and System II. Discuss the managerial insights that are obtained from this analysis.
Perform a suitable hypothesis test : BUS708 Statistics and Data Analysis - Statistical Modelling Assignment - Perform a suitable hypothesis test at a 5% level of significance to test
Businesses can think outside the box : What are some ways that businesses can think "outside the box"?
How can the company overcome this resistance : Should the company go ahead with the move to Mexico or try one more time to work things out in the Oconomo facility?
Which applicant should be hired : What is the average waiting time a workman would spend in the system under each applicant?
What was the company communication approach to the crisis : What was the company's communication approach to the crisis? What would you have done the same and what would you have done differently?



12/23/2018 11:16:29 PM

The first file has requirements. Second file contains data set 1. Data set 2 needs to be created through surveys. you can just make it up. samplpe size needs to be atleast 20. and both word and excel files has to be there


12/23/2018 11:10:01 PM

Data analysis and use inferential statistics to make business decision Value 20% Mark awarded Inability to apply inferential statistics appropriately in a business situation and make completely irrelevant decision Make some progress to use relevant statistical inference and intend to make right decision when a business situation is given Attempt to get closer to the accurate decision with use of appropriate summaries and the inferential statistics with little justification Apply the most appropriate inferential statistics for a business situation and make an excellent decision with correct justification Soundly justified conclusion drawn, use the proper inferential statistics to solve a business problem Assignment design and the use of written communication Value 11.7% Mark awarded Poor articulation of solving a business problem Acceptable presentation, obvious error and in demonstrating and lack of attention to detail Good presentation and design overall but some error


12/23/2018 11:09:41 PM

Numerical summaries and their usage Value 10% Mark awarded Provide irrelevant or inaccurate numerical summaries and use these summaries inappropriately in the discussion Some parts of numerical summaries are accurate and use proper numbers and theory in usage discussion Most parts of numerical summaries are accurate and good selection of numbers and theory in the description of usage Very minor error in the numerical summaries and use appropriate numbers and theory in the discussion Not a single error in the numerical summaries and have excellent knowledge of theory in the discussion of usage of the summaries. Graphical summaries and their discussion Value 10% Mark awarded Inappropriate and irrelevant graphical summaries provided and inaccurate use of these summaries in the discussion


12/23/2018 11:09:05 PM

BUS708 Marking Rubric for BUS708 Statistics and Data Analysis Assessment 3: Statistical Modelling Assignment Criteria Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-100%) Description of data collection methods Value 10% Mark awarded Inaccurate or inappropriate methods discussed and show insufficient knowledge of theory Show minimum level of knowledge of theory and little progress in discussion of accurate or appropriate methods Provide right selection of methods, use adequate knowledge of theory and give some form of justification Insightful and appropriate use of theory, most appropriate selection of methods and systematically justify the selection Integration and originality in the selection and handling of relevant theory, accurate use of method and provide excellent justification

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