Perform a single-take video using a smart device or webcam

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132146433

Video and Disruption Report Assignment


For this assessment task, you will create a two-minute video and written proposal about the impact of a particular technology on an industry or field.

The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop your big-picture thinking, and to explore various impacts of the ever-changing IT industry.

Percentage Value of Task: 20%

Minimum time expectation: 40 hours

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:
- A3. Apply business information software for data visualization and analysis purposes;
- S2. Review a range of information system applications;
- S3. Interpret and construct representations of business data flow and processes;
- K2. State the uses of emerging technologies within key industry contexts; and
- K6. Explain the concepts of software development within key industries.

Assessment Details
The Digital Revolution is not limited to the past - we should expect changes to continue for the foreseeable future. The aim of this assessment is for you to explore how IT might change a particular industry in the future, based on current trends and upcoming technologies.

For this assignment, you need to create a short video. There are many different tools available to help do this; Windows Movie Maker is available in the labs. It is also acceptable to perform a single-take video using a smart device or webcam.

Your topic must be automatically generated, based on your student ID. Please use the Topic Generator link in Moodle, and choose only one of the topics available.

Topics are of the form:
"The potential impact of {Technology} on {Industry or Activity}".
Not all options are strictly technologies - some are applications of technology

Create an ePortfolio page which you will use to submit your work. Make sure you keep the page private - you do not need to set the visibility of your ePortfolio to public for this assessment task.
Access the Topic Generator through Moodle, and choose one of the available topics.

Part one - Research
The first step to creating your video and report is to explore both the technology and the industry, to understand the potential impacts.

Write a short description of the technology and the industry (150-300 words each), and add both to your ePortfolio page. You may use any relevant sources, including websites, blogs, tweets, journal articles and textbooks. Ensure you reference any sources appropriately.

Part two - Brainstorming (3 ways how crytocurrency technology changed health industry)

For your topic, list at least three ways the technology may change or disrupt the industry. Include this list on your ePortfolio page.
If you are having trouble, remember that this is a creative task - it's ok for your ideas to be 10 or 30 years in the future. The more you can come up with at this stage the better, even if you think your ideas are completely implausible.
Some hints:
- Consider the impact of the technology on the people in the industry; will it make their lives easier or harder?
- Can you draw parallels to other industries where your technology may have had impact?
- Are there other technologies you're aware of that might, together with your chosen technology, have a stronger combined impact?
- Creative thinking requires a dedicated block of time and the freedom to play around with ideas. Don't leave it to the last minute!

Once you have brainstormed a number of impacts, choose one to focus on for the next two assignment parts. Review the rest of this assignment specification before choosing.

Part three - Regulation and Ethics (choose 1 from above 3 ways and indentify 4 factors and at-least one should be ethical in nature)

Choose one technology impact from the previous exercise, and identify at least four factors or constraints that make this impact possible, or which might prevent it occurring.
Frame these within Lawrence Lessig's regulations - Market, Law, Architecture (Physical/Natural) and Norm(Social/Ethical). Include them in your ePortfolio page.
At least one of the factors or constraints should be ethical in nature.
You may choose to identify one factor or constraint for each of Lessig's categories, or have multiple in one category. For example, it is ok to have three Market constraints and one Norm constraint.

Part four - Disruption (impact of technology before and after i.e make process diagram) 200 words)

Identify one process within your industry or field that would change as a result of your chosen impact.
Some hints to identify processes:
- Consider processes in acquisition, manufacture, supply, support, staffing, and communication
- Write a brief use case - like a case study but focussing on interactions and processes
- Try searching! For example, "business processes in ticket sales" (but use your chosen business). Don't just copy an existing diagram though.

For this process, determine:
- Events;
- Activities or Tasks;
- Decision points;
- Actors (people and/or objects);
- Outcomes

Refer to lecture materials and readings for descriptions of these terms.

Write a description of this process in English (about 200 words), referring to the above events, tasks, decisions, actors and outcomes.
It is acceptable and expected that you make a number of assumptions about the process, but these should be explicitly included in your description. What are you basing your understanding on?

Identify specific components of this process that would change due to your technological idea. Describe how these components would be affected by the change (200-300 words). It should be clear which events, tasks, decision points, actors, and outcomes are affected, and in which ways. This may include components being removed, replaced, augmented or added.

Include justification for why these components are affected by your specific technology.

Use process model diagrams to support your description - one before and one after the change.

These need to be detailed enough to show the change in processes, but not so detailed that the changes are hard to spot. The purpose of your model here is to show the impact of the technology on the business process; let that guide your level of detail.

Verified Expert

The topic selected for yhe paper is "The Potential Impact of Datamining in the Footwear Industry" The paper is prepared for 700 words and a ppt of 6 slides is created. The paper has 4 sections. references are provide din APA format

Reference no: EM132146433

Questions Cloud

Which ones have the most impact on your buying decisions : Consider the many means of differentiating products and services. Which ones have the most impact on your buying decisions? Why?
Understanding of system development life cycle-security : This assignment is designed to develop your understanding of System Development Life Cycle, security and opportunities related to the internet of things.
Components of a comprehensive total rewards : Prior to beginning work on this discussion, review the article What Are the Components of a Comprehensive Total Rewards & Motivation System?
Who are the top three competitors of caterpillar : Who are the top three competitors of Caterpillar, and what are their advantages/disadvantages with respect to their competitive product/service strategies?
Perform a single-take video using a smart device or webcam : State the uses of emerging technologies within key industry contexts - Explain the concepts of software development within key industries
What store did you visit : Describe the situation. What store did you visit? What time of the day was it? Approximately how many shoppers were in the store? How many were in the cereal.
Stage of selecting the optimal supplier : During this stage of selecting the optimal supplier, a buyer will compile a list of all possible suppliers or at least a reasonable number of potential supplier
Orders important materials from supplier : You manage a process that orders important materials from a supplier. How much should you order each time you submit an order?
How many units of the office plus would need to be sold : How many units of the Office Plus would need to be sold to justify its addition to the product line next year?



11/30/2018 1:10:26 AM

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10/21/2018 11:27:02 PM

Video • Video is easily understood without reference to written materials; structure is clear and appropriate • Ideas are clearly expressed and suitable for the audience. • Includes appropriate graphical element(s) • Video is engaging and well presented 2 2 2 2 Quality of written work: Appropriate use of English and referencing (up to 3 marks deducted). Quality of video work: No extended gaps at start or end of video, audio is an appropriate level and minimally noisy, text and graphics are legible. (up to 2 marks deducted) Length of video is within specified boundaries (1 mark deducted, plus 1 additional mark deducted for every 30 seconds over or under) Total 20


10/21/2018 11:26:46 PM

Criteria Maximum Written content • Accurate and succinct description of technology and industry • Brainstorming – ideas for at least three ways in which the tech may impact or has impacted the industry. Ideas demonstrate at least superficial understanding of the technology and industry • Regulations – at least four factors/constraints that may affect the adoption or impact of the technology. One must be an ethical constraint • Identification of process components • Description of changes, including diagrams 2 3 2 2 3


10/21/2018 11:26:34 PM

Timelines and Expectations Percentage Value of Task: 20% Due: 4:00 PM Sunday, end of week 11 (See course description for dates) Minimum time expectation: 40 hours You must create the graphic yourself. Regardless of how you choose to make sure your video, ensure: • Sound and narration is clearly audible; • enough context is included to demonstrate understanding of the industry and the technology, and the significance of the impact; • the length is between 1:45 and 2:15; • an appropriate sequence is followed so that a viewer can understand the context and content. Your audience is your peers in ITECH 1100. • graphical elements are clearly legible.

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