Perform a multiple comparison of the average yields

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132262276

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A researcher designed an experiment to study the effects of three factors (location, nitrogen, and water) to the yields of certain crop. For each one of the two locations (Trtc: c0 & c1), he planted the corps in 48 plots. Then he applied one of the 12 combinations of treatments, four different rates of nitrogen application (Trta: a0, a1, a2, and a3) and three different level of watering (Trtb: b0, b1, and b2) to four randomly select plots. The results of yields are recorded in a MS Excel file (HW5.xlsx which is located at "Data Set" folder). In the file, the rate of nitrogen application (Trta) is stored in column A; the level of watering (Trtb) is stored in column B, the location (Trtc) is stored in column C, and the yields (Yeild1, Yield2, Yield3, & Yield4) are stored I the column D, E, F, & G.

Write a SAS Program to answer the following questions.

1. Import MS Excel file HW5.xlsx and write it as a SAS data set.

2. Fit the data with a statistical model with all the main effects and interaction effects.

3. Fit the data with a statistical model with all significant (α=0.05) main effects and interaction effects.

4. Based on the results of problem 3, using Scheffe multiple-comparison procedure with α = 0.01 to perform a multiple comparison of the average yields for different rates of nitrogen application. Which rate(s) has (have) the lowest average yields?

5. Based on the results of problem 3, using Duncan multiple-range test with α=0.1 to perform a multiple comparison of the average yields for different levels of watering. Which level(s) has (have) the highest average yield?

6. Based on the results of problem 3, using Fisher's LSD test with α=0.025 to perform a multiple comparison of the average yields for different locations. Which location has a higher average yields?

7. Based on the results of problem 3, using Tukey studentized range test with α = 0.025 to perform a multiple comparison of the average yields for different rates of nitrogen application. Which rate(s) has (have) the highest average yields?

8. Based on the results of problem 3, using Performs Dunnett's two-tailed t test with α = 0.025 to perform a comparison of the average yields of the control rate (a0) with other rates of nitrogen application. Which rates of nitrogen application has a significantly different average yields with the control rate?

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Reference no: EM132262276

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