Perform a full model regression analysis

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Reference no: EM131555424 , Length: 3

SAS HATCO Multiple Regression Analysis - HW

Perform a Multiple Regression Analysis paralleling the HBAT analysis performed in the textbook and in class, but now use the HATCO dataset .

Include the following analyses:

Consider the overall general Model X9 = X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7

Perform a Correlation Analysis

Fit and Analyze the best single independent (simple) regression analysis

Perform a Stepwise Regression Analysis to select the best subset model using Alpha =0.05

Perform a Full Model (Confirmatory) Regression Analysis using Alpha = 0.05

Using the best subset from the Stepwise Regression Analysis now include variable X8 (Firm Size) and analyze its effect and the new resultant model

Analyze and Discuss the Multiple Regression Analysis Assumptions, e.g., Linearity, Normality, Homoscedasticity, and Independence using Residual and other Graphical/Statistical measures and tests for all Model Analyses.

Similarly Analyze and Discuss any Influential observations with recommendations, as well as the Model's Multicollinearity.

Provide a brief 2-3 page management summary including key selected results along with the SAS program and output as an appendix.

Attachment:- Multiple_regression_normal_unpack.rar

Reference no: EM131555424

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Perform a full model regression analysis : Perform a Stepwise Regression Analysis to select the best subset model using Alpha.Perform a Full Model (Confirmatory) Regression Analysis.
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