Perform a factorial anova data set

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM13281131

Part 1: Compute an ANOVA

 Create an MS Word document by cutting and pasting SPSS output into the document.

Complete the following:

Use an existing dataset to compute a factorial ANOVA. All SPSS output should be pasted into your document. The "Activity 5a.sav" file contains a dataset of a researcher interested in finding the best way to educate elementary age children in mathematics. In particular, she thinks that 5th grade girls do better in small class sizes while boys excel in larger classes. Through the school district, she has arranged a pilot program in which some classroom sizes are reduced prior to the state-wide mathematics competency assessment. In the dataset, you will find the following variables:

  • Participant: unique identifier
  • Gender: Male (M) or Female (F)
  • Classroom:
  • Small (1) - no more than 10 children
  • Medium (2) - between 11 and 19 children
  • Large (3) - 20 or more students
  • Score - final score on the statewide competency assessment.

Complete the following:

1. Exploratory Data Analysis.

a. Perform exploratory data analysis on all variables in the data set. Realizing that you have six groups, be sure that your exploratory analysis is broken down by group. When possible, include appropriate graphs to help illustrate the dataset.

b. Give a one to two paragraph write up of the data once you have done this.

c. Create an APA style table that presents descriptive statistics for the sample.

2. Factorial ANOVA. Perform a factorial ANOVA using the "Activity 5a.sav" data set.

a. Is there a main effect of gender? If so, explain the effect. Use post hoc tests when necessary (or explain why they are not required in this specific case).

b. Is there a main effect of classroom size? If so, explain the effect. Use post hoc tests when necessary (or explain why they are not required in this specific case).

c. Is there an interaction between your two variables? If so, using post hoc tests, describe these differences.

d. Is there support for the researcher's hypothesis that girls would do better than boys in classrooms with fewer students? Explain your answer.

e. Write up the results in APA style and interpret them. Be sure that you discuss both main effects and the presence/absence of an interaction between the two.

Part 2: Create an ANCOVA & Factorial ANOVA

Activity Description

In this assignment, you will create a hypothetical ANCOVA output table.

Complete the following:

1. In an MS Word document, briefly restate your research area of interest and identify one dependent variable and two independent variables, in which the independent variables would likely be covariates.

2. Now assume you conducted an ANCOVA that shows both the first independent variable as well as the covariate significantly predicts the dependent variable.

3. Create a mock ANCOVA output table (see SPSS Output 11.3 in your text for an example) that supports the relationship shown above. Report your mock finding in APA style.

The learner's area of research interest is leadership factors that positively affect parental involvement in low performing schools. The goal is to investigate the causes of low parental involvement and its impact on students' achievement.

Reference no: EM13281131

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