Reference no: EM132860488
Soft Drink Manufacturing
Correct all of the issues noted in Writing Assignments #1 and #2, then append the following to the end:
1. Perform a basic SWOT analysis, which should result in a list of at least 2 items for each of the 4 types of strategic choices (SO, ST, WO, and WT).See the video I posted ("What is SWOT and how is it used") to refresh your memory about the different types of strategic choices. Each should be a full sentence so that one can understand the basic action that you are describing that the company can take. (Note:These are the SWOT output functions.That is, these are the actions that your company CAN take in response to combinations of input factors.Also, they must all be different.Don't list the same action twice.).
2. Prepare Table 2(strategic actions a company can take) in the same format as is in the sample submission.
Note: Again, you should have at least 8 different possible actions listed.
3. Based on your SWOT analysis, recommend ONE specific action that the company could undertake that they don't already list.Describe the change in detail and explain clearly why you chose this one in particular. (Note:This should be at least a half page or so.)
Note: Most students do not require any additional references in this part of the project. However, if you added any, don't forget to update Source Manager, the references section, citations, formatting, etc.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar