Perfectly competitive market

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM1374334

Assume that, in a perfectly competitive market at profit maximizing quantity, the market price is greater than average total cost. Describe what will happen to the number of companies, the market supply and the price of the good as we move from the short run to the long run.

Reference no: EM1374334

Questions Cloud

Compare and contrast keynes and friedman approach economy : Macro-economics is perhaps most divisive area of economics. Macro economists divide themselves into different schools of thought. Two of the biggest camps are the Keynesians and the Monetarists.
Consequences of decriminalizing illegal drugs : The consequences of decriminalizing illegal drugs have long been debated. Some claim that legalization will lower the price of these drugs and reduce related crime. Others claim that more people will use these drugs.
Theories of macroeconomics : ABC Corporation is a small Canadian company that sells staples in Canada, which is a very competitive market. The staples can be classified as a standard commodity, with stores viewing staples as identical to those supplied through other companies.
Question related to aggregate demand curve : Determine the effect of an raise in the quantity of money and find the difference between real variables and nominal variables? Are these variables affected through the quantity of money?
Perfectly competitive market : Assume that, in a perfectly competitive market at profit maximizing quantity, the market price is greater than average total cost. Describe what will happen to the number of companies,
Finding equilibrium price and quantity : Industry supply and demand are given by QD = 1000 - 2P and QS = 3P. Determine the equilibrium price and quantity?
Question about marginal benefit curves : When negative or positive externalities exist economists say that market has unsuccessful to make the right amount of the good at the right price. What do economists mean through this?
Question related to elasticity : Make a research on the elasticity of beef and eggs in regards to price changes and explain how do supply, demand, and price controls interact to affect equilibrium price of eggs?
Derive a suitable sequential circuit : A sequential circuit has two inputs w 1 and w 2 , and an output, z. Derive a suitable circuit for the given condition.


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