Perfect competition and monopolistic competition

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133153687

The assignment is a group project. Each group leader will submit the assignment on behalf of their group. Each group selects one factual business example then, responds to the following:

Distinguish among four market structures: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly in this order.

Identify your company's market structure (i.e., perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly), explaining your reasoning.

Examine whether competitive pressures are present in your company's industry with high barriers to entry.

Evaluate how high barriers to entry into the industry may influence your company's long-run profitability.

Explain the price elasticity of demand in your company's market structure and its effect on your company's pricing decision.

Investigate whether government regulations encourage or discourage your business relative to its industry.

Analyze how the role of the government may affect your market structure's ability to price its products.

Reference no: EM133153687

Questions Cloud

Researching for your essay and oral presentation : Provide evidence of an article or blog pertaining to managing people and processes for the business you are researching for your essay and oral presentation
How the success of the initiative would be monitored : Briefly describe how the success of the initiative would be monitored over time and how you'd evaluate the criteria for success.
How are joint costs allocated : How are joint costs allocated? Explain and analyze using numerical example. How are budget variances calculated and used as performance measures?
Mechanics of both primary and secondary markets : Describe the overall purpose and mechanics of both primary and secondary markets.
Perfect competition and monopolistic competition : Distinguish among four market structures: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly in this order.
Corporation and financial implications of incorporation : You are planning on opening your own new business. Now, consider the structure of a corporation and the financial implications of incorporation.
Company efforts to promote ethical and social good : Describe each company's efforts to promote ethical and social good. Describe the organizational benefits from adopting socially conscious policies.
Find real-life example of annuity or perpetuity : Find a real-life example of annuity or perpetuity. Please clearly explain why your example can meet the criteria of annuity or perpetuity.
Identify parties potentially affected by this audit : Identify the parties potentially affected by this audit and the fee plan proposed. What are the ethical factors in this situation? Explain.


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