Reference no: EM131081047
Open R/R Studio, install package car
1. From the package car load the dataset Anscombe
2. Write code to find the states below the 25th percentile of expenditure on education
3. Write code to sort their names alphabetically and paste their names into your answer.
4. Create a variable relspend that is generated by dividing education expenditures by income
5. Examine the distribution of this variable using two-three relevant statistics and paste the results in your answer.
6. Also plot two-three relevant plot functions and paste the plots in your answer
7. In your view, is this variable normally distributed?
8. Add the relspend variable to the Anscombe dataset
9. Extract all columns into a new data frame called hispenders that include the states that are above the median of relspend
Mosquito repellant sleeping clothes
: During Week 1 you invented a product (Mosquito Repellant Sleeping Clothes)- this week you will create a chart showing price vs quality or two other factors that impact your product.
How do government justify coercion against their own citizen
: How do governments justify coercion against their own citizens? Is there any legitimate reason for coercion in a democratic society?
Customer requirements influence planning for quality
: What are the dimensions of customer requirements? How customer requirements influence planning for quality in projects?
What are some of the ethical concerns
: Do you think RFID devices that were placed on (or in) a product by a manufacturer should be removed from items upon purchase? Why or why not? Do you think RFID should be used to track humans? Under what circumstances? Should it be used only externall..
Percentile of expenditure on education
: 1. From the package car load the dataset Anscombe 2. Write code to find the states below the 25th percentile of expenditure on education 3. Write code to sort their names alphabetically and paste their names into your answer.
Analyze the correlation in terms of the null hypothesis
: Discuss the implications of this correlation as it relates to the research question. Conclude with an analysis of the strengths and limitations of correlational analysis.
Many moral and ethical and safety dilemmas
: The Ebola crisis brought many moral and ethical and safety dilemmas to the forefront of the discussion. Review the course materials and discuss how you see the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved in the Ebola crisis. Name the parties,..
The theory and purpose of the laboratory
: Go to the VALUE@Amrita website: (Links to an external site.) scroll down and select Electric Circuits Virtual lab.
Explain communication encourages exchanges the citizens
: Research an article written on how this form of communication encourages exchanges between the citizens and local government officials, and how it affects public policy. If you use an internet resource, post the link.