People who have collectivist perspective believe

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Reference no: EM133553111

Chapter 9


1. People with co-occurring disorders have a substance use problem and a mental disorder.



2. Counsellors should not ask people if they intend to kill themselves as this might plant the idea in their minds.



3. Bulimia involves heavy drinking followed by aggressive behaviour



4. The "intent question" should be avoided.



5. People who talk about suicide aren't serious about killing themselves



6. Women are more likely than men to have an eating disorder.



7. During manic periods, people may experience extreme agitation and need little sleep



8. Tolerance is the need for more of the same substance (drug) to obtain the same effect.



9. Withdrawal from alcohol can be extremely dangerous



10. Delusion is another term for hallucination



Chapter 10

11. Stereotyping

results in broad and inaccurate generalizations

avoids loss of objectivity

reflects the importance of individual differences

assists counsellors to make important generalizations

insures that one's World view does not impact judgment

12. Residential schools

were appreciated by indigenous people

left a legacy of physical and sexual abuse

provided much needed assimilation services to indigenous people

are an example of cultural appropriation

were resented by mainstream Canadians because they gave indigenous people unfair advantages

13. People who have "collectivist" perspective believe

one's personal wishes are less important that family and community responsibilities

that it is important to accumulate wealth

one has little control over what happens

one's life is controlled by others

in the importance of the work ethic

14. Ethnocentrism is best defined

World view

belief that one's values, beliefs, and traditions are superior

cultural background

values, beliefs and behaviours

none of the above

15. A person who seeks protection because of persecution in their country of origin is a/an

foreign criminal

international immigrant

protection status immigrant



16. Cultural appropriation

is a measure of adaptation to a new culture

describes appropriate counselling skills for working with minority groups

is another term for discrimination

involves adopting elements of another person's culture in a disrespectful way

is the belief that one's own culture is superior

17. Marginalization is best defined as

the process by which people become Canadian citizens

racial discrimination

a person who has a worldview that is at odds with mainstream Canadian society

a measure of the gap in income between the richest Canadians and the poorest

formal or informal exclusion of groups or individuals from full participation in society

18. Which of the following counsellor behaviours will tend to increase client resistance?



pressuring the client to change


core conditions

19. Confrontation

is the best method for promoting client change

has no place in professional counselling

impedes the important goal of keeping the counselling relationship pleasant

is a hostile act

should be used sparingly

20. When counselling involuntary clients, it is important to

restore their sense of power and control

establish control

use confrontation to confront resistance

let them know that that they will be held accountable

avoid discussion of the fact that they are involuntary

21. During the anxiety phase (escalating toward violence) client warning signs include

increased agitation

acting out behaviour


displays of weapons


22. Anger is

an indicator that violence is imminent

a sign of failure in counselling

indicative of a psychiatric disorder

a normal emotion

a common outcome of counselling

23. Which of the following is true?

age is not a factor in predicting violence

alcohol lessens inhibitions and is associated with increased violence

LSD and glue sniffing lessen the risk of violence

the highest risk age and gender for violence is men from 40 to 49 years of age

anger is a dangerous emotion

24. When dealing with clients who make veiled reference to what they might do, Gavin de Becker suggests that counsellors

ignore the reference

change the subject

ask the client to be specific about their intentions

notify the police

let the client know that you will not tolerate such statements.

Reference no: EM133553111

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