Payroll program for a company

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1351556

1. Develop classes or class templates for the following:

i.) Administrative Employees are paid a salary, but they also receive a bonus at regular intervals during the year. Add a class "Administrator" to the Employee class hierarchy.

ii.) Factory workers are paid a certain amount for each unit they make and their total pay is the number of units produced times the pay per unit. Add a class "FactoryEmployee" to the Employee class hierarchy.

iii.) Salespersons are paid a salary plus a commission on their sames times the commission rate. Add a class "Salesperson" to the Employee class hierarchy.

Now, write a complete PAYROLL program for a company in which each employee falls into one of the 3 categories - Administrative, Factory Employee or Salesperson.

Reference no: EM1351556

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