Patient portal project charter

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Reference no: EM13781196


While Panther Memorial has implemented an electronic medical record (EMR), our patients have never been provided with a patient portal. Patient portals are web-based applications that enable patients to access information, conduct transactions such as registration and payments, and communicate with their caregivers. This project will determine the most appropriate action regarding the implementation of a patient portal at Panther Memorial Hospital.


With the implementation of an EMR, Panther Memorial now has the capability to provide patients with access to their information such (i.e. lab results), to reengineer clinical and business processes under a patient self-service model (i.e. registration), and provide another avenue for communication with patients (i.e. secure patient/physician inbox). The vision is to create a patient portal that will becomethe cornerstone of any significant online activity with our patients.


The objectives of the project are:

• Provide major segments of portal functionality such as accessing personal medical information, collecting payments, and enabling

patient/physician communication.

• Enhance customer service to our patients.

• Deliver relevant personal health information via secure methods

• Enhance patient or family member's experience with their encounter

• Enhance and improve overall patient safety and quality of care.

• Provide information access, transparency, portability

• Enhance the Panther Memorial brand

• Support our image as a leading health care provider

• Provide a consistent "look & feel" with our existing hospital web site

• Support patient portal access on mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets.

• Ensure that the portal supports social media elements such video, chat, communities, patient groups, etc.

• Ensure that the portal architecture includes the security and access controls to protect against unauthorized access and supports HIPAA, PHI, and IT security requirements.


The scope of this project includes all online patient activities and interactions. This project will not examine any needs of the employee for an employee self-service portal or intranet. Additionally, the project will not include a redesign of the hospital's public website other than modifications needed for integration with a patient portal solution.


The project is constrained by the following:

• The solution must integrate with our current EMR system.

• The capital budget for this initiative is $2m.

• The proposed solution should support a wide range of web browsers and mobile devices.

• The proposed solution must fit our overall technical architecture and infrastructure standards.


The following assumptions have been made:

• The portal will provide a single vehicle for access various information and processes within our hospital.

• The portal will have a quality "look and feel" consistent with other high end internet web sites.

• The portal will provide non-IT staff with self-service capabilities to manage web pages.


The project team will deliver a system proposal. The system proposal shall include an executive summary, this charter, system

improvement objectives, business requirements including 10 use cases (diagram & narrative) and related activity diagrams,

candidate/feasibility system matrix, and final recommendation.
Each use cases will document the requirements for different segments of functionality and will not repeat a similar scenario. For instance if scheduling an appointment is documented, then cancelling an appointment will not be submitted as another use case. Instead the project team will choose another major feature area to document such as viewing lab results. For each of the 10 use cases, an activity diagram will also be constructed and submitted.

Reporting & Project Team

A system proposal for a patient portal will be delivered to the executive sponsor, Dale Steber, via the D2L dropbox. Any clarification or questions regarding this project will be submitted to the executive sponsor.
Each of the project teams will consist of 5 members (1 team will have 6) with one member designated as the project lead. Project team rosters will be submitted by February 26th.


The results of this analysis and a formal presentation will be submitted on May 7th. The presentation will be a maximum of 15 minuteslong with additional time for questions and answers immediately following. Peer evaluations are due May 14th.

• Electronic Packaging

Each group will submit to one team member's dropbox:

• A Word document containing the executive summary, charter, system improvement objectives, 8 use case narratives, feasibility matrix, and final recommendation.

• One or more Visio documents containing the use case diagram and the 8 activity diagrams.

• Print Packaging

Each team will provide one print copy of their work at the beginning of class on the day it is due. Hard copies of any presentation materials will also be submitted at the formal presentation.

• Peer Evaluations
Each team member will submit the peer evaluation form found on D2L. The point of this form is to provide feedback to me concerning the work of your teammates. Your feedback will be confidential. Grades will be adjusted accordingly to the feedback from the evaluation forms. Each student should submit the peer evaluation to their dropbox in D2L.

Reference no: EM13781196

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