Reference no: EM133746755
Article: Patient Involvement in Patient Safety: A Qualitative Study of Nursing Staff and Patient Perceptions by Bishop and Macdonald.
• Where does the introduction to the article begin and end?
• On which qualitative research tradition, if any, was this study based?
• Is the study experimental or nonexperimental?
• Was an adequate amount of time spent in the field or with the study participants?
• How does this study achieve its goal without infringing on human rights?
• Was data saturation achieved?
• What did the analysis yield. For example, themes or a theory?
• How, if at all, was randomness, triangulation, and reflexivity used in this study?
• Describe if the results of the study are trustworthy and transferable and comment on what may be some uses to which the findings can be put into clinical practice.