Reference no: EM1379000
Login to your Linux environment and construct your start-up shell script. Whether you write the scripts as .profile or .cshrc, include the following options:
* Your search path to $PATH
* Your editor to vi
* Two variables of your preference, explain what they are.
Copy the following shell that completes the following:
echo Select a country from the following list:
echo America, Italy, France, Germany
read country
case $country in
[Aa]merica ) echo Ford; echo Perhaps;;
[Ii]taly ) echo Ferarri;echo no;;
[Ff]rance ) echo Peugeot ;echo no way;;
[Gg]ermany ) echo Porsche ;echo yes;;
Run the shell from above.
Answer the following questions:
· What is the purpose of the echo command?
· In the case statement, why are the first letters both caps and lower case?
· What does esac mean?
Submit the answers to these questions to your faculty member for grading.
Create your own shell that completes the following problem:
· Ask the user their name.
· Compare it to your name.
· Give a reply that their response is either your name too or it is a nice name too.
· Submit a listing of this shell to your faculty member for grading.
· Copy/Paste or attach a screen print.
Copy/paste the screen shots
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