Partner in small communications firm

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133097554

As a partner in a small communications firm, you have noticed that your fellow partners and several employees have mentioned new product ideas they felt were worth pursuing, but that none of these ideas have been pursued. Propose a formal process to determine if ideas that are presented are worthy of market testing. Include the following in your proposal:

Likely sources of new product or business ideas

Data gathering and factual analysis

Ability to make creative leaps

Need for fit with organization strengths and goals

Confirmation of commercial viability

Reference no: EM133097554

Questions Cloud

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United states created our system of federal government : The Constitution of the United States created our system of federal government and allocated the powers of government among the three branches of government;
Highlight films was protected by the fair use doctrine : The Cougars contended that their use of the 1996-1998 logo in the highlight films was protected by the fair use doctrine.
Geofencing on campus to improve student life and safety : How could a university leverage the benefits of geofencing on campus to improve student life and safety?
Partner in small communications firm : As a partner in a small communications firm, you have noticed that your fellow partners and several employees have mentioned new product ideas
Test quantitative designs : Pre-test/post-test quantitative designs have been the subject of criticism among methodologists.
Conduct survey to measure business optimism : An organization representing the interests of small businesses in London plans to conduct a survey to measure business optimism,
Corporate social responsibility : Who are the stakeholders of a business? Explain what is greenwashing. Explain how you would determine if a company is engaged in greenwashing.
Dismissal meeting for organizational layoff : Imagine that you are an office manager tasked with coordinating and leading the dismissal meeting for an organizational layoff.


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