Particularly crisis communication and reputation management

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133067852

1. What impact does social media have on public relations practices particularly crisis communication and reputation management? how significant is for organizations today to monitor content on social media sites, including hash tags and other signs of internal and external dialogue ?

2. How should crisis communication preparedness plan address the proliferations of social media outlets ?

3. From the perspective of crisis communicators concerned with social media , what else could dominos have done or said to prove with action that it's key messages are sincere? what other messages could Domino's have delivered ?

Reference no: EM133067852

Questions Cloud

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Particularly crisis communication and reputation management : What impact does social media have on public relations practices particularly crisis communication and reputation management?
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Difference between herding and limits to arbitrage : Explain the difference between herding and limits to arbitrage


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