Particular parenting style in raising children

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Reference no: EM133591533


1. The local PTA chapter has asked you to talk to its parents and teachers about working with young children. They have specifically asked you to address the idea of attachment-what it is, the research supporting a notion of attachment, the different forms of attachment, and how to help a child develop secure attachment-and the different types of temperament, including how to deal effectively with children according to their temperamental styles. What will you tell these parents and teachers? Give examples they can relate to and use the information out of your book. Be as specific as possible.

2. Baumrind suggests that parents tend to use a particular parenting style in raising their children: authoritarian, authoritative, or permissive. In general, which of these parenting styles is best to use in raising a well-rounded child? Explain why. Under what circumstances might a different type of parenting style be appropriate/better suited (e.g. specific situations, cultural/environmental situations, etc.)? Explain why. What types of characteristics might children develop from the various types of parenting styles (e.g. children who have permissive parents might have what characteristics? Authoritative parents? Authoritarian parents?).

Reference no: EM133591533

Questions Cloud

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