Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices

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Reference no: EM133061156

BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices - Acacia Institute


Q1. Please tick the correct answer indicating True or False:
The key to waste management is to reduce the amount of waste that your organisation generates that will consequently end up in landfills.

Q2. The recyclable or compostable waste generated in Hotels potentially contributes to the following amounts of waste: (Please tick the correct answer)
A. 20 %
B. 40 %
C. 60 %
D. 80 %

Q3. Which of the following materials can be recycled? (Please tick the correct answers)
Polystyrene Boxes
Cooking Oils
Milk Bottles
Aluminium Cans
Bones and Meat By-Products
Waxed Cardboard Boxes

Q4. Please tick the correct answers indicating True or False:
True False
Minimisation of environmental risks would include an assessment of current practices.
Implementation of a waste management hierarchy has little effects on a business' environmental performance.
Sustainable energy efficiency is based on seeking alternative sources of energy.
Compact fluorescent lights provide no effective saving, given the original, higher purchase price.
The AAA water rating indicates efficiency of appliances - the higher the A rating the lower the efficiency.

Q5. Please tick the correct answer indicating True or False:
Sustainable purchasing of resources would involve a product or appliance being thoroughly researched in order to determine its environmental impacts down the track.

Q6. Please tick the correct answers indicating True or False:
True False
To calculate the flow rate of a tap, divide the volume of water by the time it took to fill a bucket.
An electricity bill enables to calculate and compare the use of energy effectively used.
Recycling receptacles in an organisation may be more costly than placing items into general waste.
A waste audit involves visual inspection of all waste over a 1 or 2 day period.
Government departments and industry service providers can provide benchmarks for best industry practice.

Q7. Select the three types of environmental hazards you should report to your supervisor: (Please tick the correct answers)
Fat is poured down the drain
A dysfunctional light bulb
Smell from the grease trap
A leak from the drum of oven cleaner
A colleague smoking in the parking lot

Q8. Initiating an environmental management plan within an organisation - Match the following steps into the grid in logical order:
Step 1 Make Green changes
Step 2 Monitor and Improve
Step 3 Identify current consumption
Step 4 Create a ‘Green Team'
Step 5 Compare current consumption versus ‘Best Practice'

Q9. An enterprise plan may include the following details: (Please tick the correct answers)
Work Plans
Codes of Practice
Staff Qualifications
Staff Breaches

Q10. Engaged employees are effective employees - Suggestions for improvements of environmental workplace practices could include factors relating to: (Please tick the correct answers)
Product Planning
Purchasing Specifications
Employee Awareness
Emission Reduction
Waste Disposal
Cheap Imports
Consumer Awareness
Catering Practices
Staff Awards

Q11. Please tick the correct answer indicating True or False:
To ensure that newly implemented conservation practices are productive it is essential to establish a periodic monitoring program.

Q12. Please tick the correct answer indicating True or False:
The Federal Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities oversees matters of national environmental significance.

Q13. Please tick the correct answer indicating True or False:
The legislation for each state is governed under the Environmental Acts relevant for each state.

Q14. Please tick the correct answer indicating True or False:
Local councils have no powers to execute state environmental legislation.

Q15. Please tick the correct answer indicating True or False:
Government agencies and industry organisations commonly develop their own voluntary Codes of Practice which provide guidelines to assist businesses in specific industries to operate in improved sustainable practices.

Q16. The following actions could help to improve energy usage in an organisation: (Please tick the correct answers)
1. Use energy-efficient building materials for future projects, e.g. double glazing, better insulation, and natural sources for heating, cooling, lighting and airflow.
2. Encourage carpooling, public transport and riding or walking to work.
3. Increase ambient temperature in winter and decrease in summer, e.g. set air conditioning to 18°C instead of 22°C in summer.
4. Extend maintenance intervals.
5. Choose energy-efficient vehicles.
6. Establish a carbon offset program for travel or other activities.

Q17. The most common causes of waste in the TH&E industry are: (Please tick the correct answers)
1. Ineffective handling and storage
2. Poor quality of products and produce
3. Over-preparation
4. Over-ordering
5. Laziness and ignorance
6. Unpredictable consumer behaviour

Q18. The following policies could be implemented in an organisation to reduce waste effectively in all of its operations: (Please tick the correct answers)
1. Avoid bulk buying to eliminate large packaging.
2. Consider green waste provisions.
3. Dispose of hazardous waste through accredited companies.
4. Purchase bio-degradable or natural products.
5. Purchase refill toners and cartridges.
6. Recycling in all areas.
7. Use biodegradable oils and fats.
8. Use double sided printing.

Q19. The following statements relating to benchmarks in the TH&E industry are: (Please tick the correct answers indicating True or False)
True False
1.Industry standards for desired resource usage levels can be obtained from government departments.
2.Industry organisations and affiliated service providers, e.g. water boards, energy suppliers
are sources to provide industry standards for resource usage.
3.Accommodation venues can track their usage by either simply creating their own databases or by signing on to accreditation programs specialising in monitoring resource use.
4.The Green Globe program is a widely-used auditing system.
5.The Australian Hotels Association suggests that its members take part in the Green Globe program, as a way of improving their environmental performance.

Q20. The following statements for the efficiency ratings for appliances using water and/or energy are: (Please tick the correct answers indicating True or False)
True False
1. Appliances that use water are rated on their water efficiency as well as their value for money.
2. The rating scheme gives 1-6 stars to an appliance on the basis of their water efficiency.
3. The more water-efficient the appliance, the less stars it receives.
4. A label is placed on the appliance which displays the number of stars and the actual water consumption for a given usage.
5. This scheme applies to shower heads, taps, washing machines, dishwashers and other appliances.
6. In Australia, it is mandatory for most domestic electrical appliances to be tagged with the familiar red and yellow star rated energy label.
7. The identification label allows consumers to quickly compare the energy efficiency of different brands and products pre-purchase.

Q21. Suggestions for how staff can be actively involved in achieving improved environmentally sustainable outcomes could include: (Please tick the correct answers)
1. Employees should be empowered to offer suggestions, to report any workplace environmental hazards and notify breaches to appropriate personnel.
2. Employees should be involved in the decision-making process and have part in the implementation processes.
3. Staff on the front line are not usually in the position to identify problems or concerns related to energy inefficiencies.
4. Staff can be kept motivated by setting weekly or monthly targets, providing feedback on improved performance and implementing reward schemes for any new ideas.
5. This is typically achieved through open communication channels - staff meetings, induction sessions, and committees, memos, training sessions, posters and so on.

Q22. The following measures could be employed for educating guests to enhance conservation practices: (Please tick the correct answers)
1. Educating guests to engage in positive behaviour is usually initiated by an informative letter on arrival.
2. Signs or alerts placed strategically inside the room and throughout the property are common measures used by many organisations.
3. Some hotels include an overview within the promotional video played once the TV is turned on.
4. The addition of an automated switch-off device in the shower is the most effective mechanism for educating guests.
5. Reducing the hot water temperature on the thermostat and changing default room temperatures for the air conditioning unit will limit the amount of energy used by guests.

Q23. The steps for monitoring and improving environmental practices in an organisation include: (Please tick the correct answers)
True False
1. To ensure that newly implemented conservation practices are productive, it is essential to establish a periodic monitoring program.
2. A monitoring program should be performed at annual intervals.
3. Software like spreadsheets are ideal to enter data for consumption of energy, gas, water as well as waste and recycling data for periodic comparison and continuous improvement plans.
4. Monitoring may involve forecasting future utility usage and systematically recording meter readings.
5. Physical site inspections and attaining feedback from staff enable you to obtain a contrast between current and future performance.
6. Results should be communicated to staff and if warranted, to guests and the wider community.

Written Test

Question 1: Provide 6 reasons for going green in Australia and New Zealand?

Question 2: Through which means could the following aspects be implemented in an organization to improve environmental impacts?

Question 3: Which legislation governs environmental laws at Federal Level? What does this cover?

Question 4: Which authority enforces environmental practices at state and territory levels?

Question 5: How are environmental practices governed at local government level? What does this commonly include?

Question 6: What is the Green Globe Program?

Question 7: Provide 5 examples for support tools which are provided by Green Globe to members to develop their own code of practice?

Question 8: Which type of accreditation system is available for the accommodation industry? By whom is this provided and what does this entail?

Question 9: Which environmental program was developed by the Restaurant and Caterers Association of Australia? What does this program require from its industry sectors?

Question 10: Which information could you obtain from the Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC)?

Question 11: List 5 positive effects tourism can have on the natural environment?

Question 12: List 5 negative effects tourism can have on the natural environment?

Question 13: List 8 areas the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Green Globe Program recommends that accommodation operations should address?

Question 14: Provide 6 suggestions how an organisation could make improvements to water usage?

Question 15: Provide 4 examples of renewable energy?

Question 16: Suggest six actions to improve energy usage in an organisation?

Question 17: What are the likely impacts from waste on the environment?

Question 18: List the 4 most common causes of waste in the hospitality industry?

Question 19: Which major policies could be implemented in an organisation to reduce waste effectively in all of its operations?

Question 20: What are hazardous substances that are found commonly in Hospitality businesses?

Question 21: List 6 examples for improving land use and building design to reduce energy consumption and enhance sustainability?

Question 22: List the 5 steps to initiate an Environmental Management Plan?

Question 23: Who should be involved in a "Green Team"? What are the key principles to make a Green team a successful one?

Question 24: What are the processes to identify current consumption of energy, gas or water?

Question 25: What is the procedure to conduct a waste audit?

Question 26: Once energy, water and waste usage have been analysed, the results should be compared with industry standards or best practice models. Provide examples where you could access information for benchmarks in the tourism - hospitality industry?

Question 27: What are the efficiency ratings for appliances using water and/or energy? How do these work?

Question 28: Provide 5 suggestions how staff can be actively involved in achieving improved environmentally sustainable outcomes?

Question 29: What is the role of "educating guests" to enhance conservation practices? How can this be achieved?

Question 30: What are the essential steps for monitoring and improving environmental practices in an organisation?

Assessment Task 2

You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary to develop the environmental management plan.

Assessment description:

You are required to demonstrate your knowledge in creating a ‘green team' in organization structure to develop an environmental management plan and to identify critical control measures to use the energy efficiently.

Assessment Questions:

Your Environmental Management Plan needs to include the following headings and should address all points listed under each heading:

Step1: Create a ‘Green Team‘
This needs to include a discussion on how you will select your environmental committee in your organisation and should address the following aspects:
• Desirable backgrounds of committee members (state reasons)
• Individual roles in your committee
• Communication channels
• Provisions to meet legislative requirements (refer to the provided links in your text)
• Provisions for fostering team understanding and including all employees in environmental processes.

Step 2: Identify current consumption
In this part you need to discuss how you will ascertain how much water, electricity and gas your organisation is currently consuming and how much waste is being generated. Aspects to be covered include:
• areas do need to be monitored
• How will you do this - provide suggestions for audits in each area
• Which techniques will you apply to include a discussion on how you will select your environmental committee in your organisation and should address the following Recycling provisions for all departments within your organisation
• Breaches or possible breaches within the organisation and how you would determine these.

Step 3: Compare to Best Practices
This part will be assessed in detail in Part B of this project. In this instance you need to provide general benchmarks which you need to research as relevant to your specific industry sector.

Step 4: Make Green Changes
This part deals with the efficiency of resources relating to the consumption of water, energy, gas and the amounts of waste generated. You will need to provide three examples for each category, how water, gas, electricity and waste can be greatly reduced including:
• Actions like do's and don'ts
• Building and Renovation
• Gardens and Landscaping
• Changes to appliances
• Purchasing factors
• Employee awareness
• Education of guests

Step 5: Monitor and Improve
Once you have determined all factors of an Environmental Management Plan, made changes and implemented all procedures you will need to monitor whether the conservation practices are productive.
Explain the requirements to do this effectively and provide a range of examples which will cover all areas including water, energy, gas and waste.
You will need to provide details which address:
• Problems
• Issues
• Recommended Actions
• Revision Dates
• Person(s) responsible

Part B: Resource Efficiency Assessment

Question 1: Conduct a practical assessment of your organisation's resources and practices. You may use
the forms in appendix 1 to collect your data or any software available to you (for example you may create a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel) For this purpose you need to identify: i. The locations of all meters for:
ii.The current readings for these meters
iii.The equipment and appliances used in one specific department (for example Kitchen, F&B etc.)
iv.Measure the consumption of electricity as listed on the appliance labels and write these down.
v.Measure the flow rate of various taps using the formula "Flow rate = Volume/Time (L/min)"
vi.Inspect the energy ratings for all appliances where these bear a star rating.
vii.Inspect the A ratings of appliances using water (e.g. Washing machine, Ice maker etc.)
viii. Inspect the type of lighting used and determine the KW/H (1000 Watt = 1 KWH) used in that department.
ix.Inspect the provisions for recycling
x.Enquire about the intervals of waste collection and determine the size of the cubicle(s) used.
xi.Determine the number and size of garbage containers in your department.
xii.This task is performed outside: Wearing gloves and using tongs, physically inspect the contents of garbage bins from your department and inspect the approximate waste for each category (Glass, paper, card board, green waste etc.) and express these in percent (approximately).
xiii. Enquire about the energy consumption of air conditioners and heaters where applicable and document the KWH for these units.
xiv.Enquire about provisions for watering plants and landscaping, identify where the water is coming from and whether it could be feasible - according to given infrastructure - to install a rain water tank.
xv.Identify any workplace environmental hazards and discuss the issues in your report findings, including the provisions to whom you would report such hazards.
xvi.Identify any breaches or potential breaches you have encountered in the audited area during your project and discuss the issues in your report findings, including the provisions to whom you would report such breaches.

Question 2: Compare the values you have collected against the benchmarks you have researched in Part A of this assessment and suggest alternatives. Specifically this would include for example:

• Use of e.g. 10 light bulbs rated at 0.060 KWH in Kitchen area could be replaced with 10 energy saving bulbs rated at 0.012 KWH which would represent an energy saving of (10 * 48 = 0.480KWH) 0.480 KW per hour
• 10 Showerheads in guest rooms rated A could be replaced by ones rated AAA with a potential saving of (10 * 55 L = 550 L ) 550 Litres per day etc.

Attachment:- sustainable work practices.rar

Reference no: EM133061156

Questions Cloud

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Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices : BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Assignment Help and Solution, Acacia Institute - Assessment Writing Service
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