Part of the brain-medulla oblongata-pons and midbrain

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132340457

Prompt: Choose one part of the brain (medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, cerebellum, or one of the cerebral lobes). Design a Facebook page for the region of the brain you have chosen. You Facebook page should include:

Basic profile (name, relationship status, birthday, hometown)

One school your brain part would have attended and one place your brain part would have worked

Four other parts of the brain that your part would be friends with (and why)

Two Facebook groups your brain part would join

Two posts your part of the brain would make

· Length: 250-500 words

· You will need to use at least 3 reputable scientific references to support your post (not including your textbook). Reputable sources= peer reviewed scientific journal articles, accredited websites, or books. Google, Wikipedia, etc. are not acceptable sources.

Your information must be credible, accurate, and well supported by evidence. The best sources of information are the research journals and the books as well as webpages maintained by professional societies and organizations

Part 2: Responses (Worth up to 50 points)

Comment on at least 2 classmate's discussion submissions.

· Each comment must be 150-200 words!

o Evaluate their post

o Offer questions or responses to what is said. Offer Research that backs or refutes a point being made ("Good Jobs", or "I agree" are NOT allowed as your response!!). Your response should add to the body of knowledge in the class.

You can make these two responses Generic responses

Reference no: EM132340457

Questions Cloud

What is the sample mean : A STAT 200 professor took a sample of 10 midterm exam scores from a class of 30 students. The 10 scores are shown in the table below:
Represent the number of conference : The following data represent the number of conference wins for each Southeastern Conference (SEC) men's basketball team during the 2018-2019 regular season:
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Minimum supply requirements : Karen is in charge of internship assignments for all students at Northwestern. Karen understands that there is a limited supply of Northwestern students
Part of the brain-medulla oblongata-pons and midbrain : Choose one part of the brain (medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, cerebellum, or one of the cerebral lobes).
Amount of gasoline consumed : After each vehicle has been driven for 250 miles, the amount of gasoline consumed is measured.
Give an intuitive explanation : After you have found the best strategy, give an intuitive explanation of why it is the best and why it is called "bold play."
State the null and alternative hypotheses : State the null and alternative hypotheses for your test. Find the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution of sample proportions.
Study of blood-the heart and the circulatory system : Study of blood, the heart and the circulatory system. you believe could make a significant impact on your own health and well-being?


Write a Review

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