Part-1you are required to research a suitable organisation

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13347230


You are required to research a suitable organisation of your choice and in a formal report undertake the following tasks

Task 1

Critically appraise the mission and objectives of the company including its corporate social responsibility.

Task 2

Drawing on relevant schools of strategy and strategic management models critically discuss the company's approach to strategic management.

Task 3

Identify and discuss strategic recommendations that you would make in the light of your analysis in tasks 1 and 2 above.



Discussion of mission and sense of mission. Application of relevant models to analyse company's CSR. Identification of relationship between mission and objectives


Student are required to apply a range of tools and techniques the firm's environment: PEST, SWOT, Five force, strategic group mapping, pricing and quantity dynamics, game theory and others. They are required to demonstrate the extent to which the external environment accounts for the firm's success, bearing in mind competing arguments such as RBV.

Student should consider the application of the reconstruction model(s) advocated by kim et al (blue ocean), and lindblom (delta model), turnaround strategies etc. key issues: discussion of EERC, consumer surplus concept, strategy canvass, design of processes, process lock in, network effects, turnaround etc.


Candidates need to justify their recommendations and discuss potential implementation issues with reference to suitable studies, empirical evidence and models.

You are required to select a case study of a company of your choice that has implemented a turnaround strategy in recent years to cope with the recession, and as a result of which it has been able to compete more effectively and create more value.Using relevant academic models explain why you think that the company has been able improve its strategic position. 

Reference no: EM13347230

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