Part 1 time domain design and analysis - simulinkuse the

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Reference no: EM13351175

Part 1 Time Domain Design and Analysis - SIMULINK

Use the data provided

1. To design a "custom" controller to reduce the vibrations of the seat

2. To Design a PID controller to reduce the vibration of the seat

3. Use Simulink to show the performance of each controller for the following chassis vibrations

a. 2Hz, 5Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz sine wave

b. Random signal from 0 to 10Hz

c. Random noise  from 50 to 100Hz

4. Present your results using a sink  (6) of your choice with your model (6)

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Part 2- Time Domain Modeling, Analysis, and Design - REPORT

Compile your project in a report using the ASME publication format

Part 3 Frequency Domain Modeling, Analysis, and Design

Present your final work using the ASME publication format

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Reference no: EM13351175

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