Part - 1q 1 define benchmarkingq 2 what is the need for

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM13347726

Part - 1

Q. 1. Define benchmarking.

Q. 2. What is the need for benchmarking?

Q. 3. What are the types of benchmarking?

Q. 4. What are the levels of benchmarking?

Q. 5. What does benchmark do?

Q. 6. What are the phases of benchmarking process?

Q. 7. What are the objectives of benchmarking?

Q. 8. What are the advantages of benchmarking?

Q. 9. What are the limitations of benchmarking?

Q. 10. Describe the benchmarking process.

Part - 2

Q. 1. What are benchmarking matrices?

Q. 2. Whom do you benchmark with? What are the uses of output of bench marking?

Q. 3. What guidance is needed for benchmarking?

Q. 4. What are the advantages and limitations of benchmarking?

Q. 5. In what way the manufacturing company benefitting from benchmarking?

Part - 3

Q. 1. What are different types of benchmarking?

Q. 2. What steps are to be followed for introducing benchmarking?

Reference no: EM13347726

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