Reference no: EM133670376
Parenting styles change depending culture, religion, family and is changing throughout the years. Back in the days children were allow to play outside without supervision and were told to be back home when sun is going down. Kids had more freedom and parents were more lenient. Today parents are stricter with their kids due to adversities of life. The four prototypic styles of parental are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved (Baumrind, P.231-232). I believe everyone has a different family system depending parental style they received.
The uninvolved parents show no concerned for their kid's wellbeing, education, friendship or their emotions. They don't provide physical and emotional support nor care to show affection (Kail & Cavanaugh, p.232). China's parental style is different, children are taught to obey and have strict discipline compare to Americans, also parents tend to be less affectionate (Kail & Cavanaugh, p 232). There is also permissive parenting where they don't have control over their kids but do provide affection and concern.
Lastly, authoritative parenting who have a balance parenting style. They have a moderate control and are affectionate towards their children. My parent's, parenting style were a combination of authoritative and authoritarian. My parents grew up in Guatemala and back then, the lifestyle was different. This influences my parent on their parental styles with us. I personally believe my parental style will be authoritative with my future children. I don't have any complaints on how my parents raise me but I grew up in American and I have a different perspective.
Parents all over the world have different style of parenting; it could be authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved. I believe this influence by culture, religion and family.
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