Reference no: EM13661801
Essay one
In addition to being written at a college level:
- Your thesis/support essay must be 500 - 750 words, typed, double spaced.
- Your essay must have an introduction, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
• You must include three correctly documented quotes or paraphrases from two good outside sources. Note:Remember to enclose the exact words of your sources in "quotation marks."
- Use MLA rules for documenting your sources.
- You must use in-text citations each time you use the words or ideas of your sources in the essay.
• You must include your works cited list at the end of your essay. (Note: The Bedford Bibliographer is a great tool for creating perfect lists!) Include the URL for online sources. Scan and attach pages from print sources.
• Use sources to support your own ideas. You know about the topic and can write a great deal from your own personal views on the subjects. Use sources to support your ideas. Of course, you are expected to use expert opinion, facts, statistics, and other information you find in your research. Do not copy and pasting. Write!
In addition to proofreading for spelling, grammar, and usage and making sure you use clear and simple language, ask yourself the following:
- Have I included the correct MLA Identifying information? (sample image)
- Have I included my last name and page number on the top right side of each page?
- Is the title of my essay moderately informative?
- Do I have an interesting introduction?
- Is my thesis statement clearly stated at the end of the introduction?
- Does each body paragraph begin with a topic sentence that directly relates to the thesis statement?
- Does each body paragraph have specific supporting details?
- Are all generalizations supported by specific details?
• When I have used source material, have I introduced the quotations I am using - that is, will the reader know why the quote is significant?
- Have I enclosed the exact words of my source in "quotation marks"?
- Have I included an in-text citation each time I use a source?
- Does my in-text citation lead the reader directly to the first few words of the complete work cited entry on my list?
- Are my quotations too long; am I including irrelevant information? (Don't do this!)
- Have I checked my originality report on Turnitin and corrected any instances of unintentional plagiarism?
- Is my conclusion redundant? (Don't simply repeat your thesis; that's boring!)
- Have I included a correctly documented Works Cited list (sample image) for all the sources cited in my paper?
Remember to:
- Get organized before you begin to write!
- Check for plagiarism!
Select one of the following topics for your essay:
Technology is making communication easier in today's world, but at the expense of personal contact as many people choose to interact from home in front of a computer screen. Discuss.
Discuss the role of social media's influence (Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube) in activism and revolution on the world stage.