Paper - volkswagen huge diesel scandal

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Reference no: EM13935473

Write a research paper on given topic.

Topic: Volkswagen's huge diesel scandal.

You should be researchingyour topic as delivered to me earlier in the semester to write your paper focusing on the ethical,legal, and social responsibility issues that your topic raises.

The research should be more than simple google or other internet searches. I am looking for you to explore your topic in detail and making that clear through the concise paper that yousubmit. You have many resources available to you, including, without limitation, through the online resources and data bases like Lexis-Nexus. Be sure youfootnote your paper to identify all of your sources of information and use quotation when you areusing any words that are not your own.

I am looking for the (1) identification, (2) consideration, and (3) conclusion(s) regardingthe ethical, legal and social responsibility issues. This will require concise writing, which meansyou should go through multiple drafts. Begin by writing down your ideas - try explaining yourtopic to a 10 year old. I will be grading based on content as well as the quality of your writtenwork. It is a good idea to have someone you trust proof read your paper before you turn it in.

The final paper should be approximately three pages, single spaced, 12 point font before any bibliography or exhibits. The paper should be in business memorandum format - to me, from you, regarding thetopic as approved. (1) Tell me what you are going to tell me; then (2) tell me that; and then (3) tell me what you told me.

Include how the company responded.

Focus on Volkswagen's ethical, legal, and social responsibility issues.

Reference no: EM13935473

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