Paper on variations in sexual behavior

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Reference no: EM133101118

SOC2276 Journal Article and Critical Analysis - Lethbridge College

The purpose of this assignment requires each student to answer one of the following research questions through:

1. Summarizing and critiquing an academic journal article.
2. Discussing sociological concepts, theories, and social trends.

Research Questions:

1. Attraction, Love, and Communications: Describe and compare issues of attraction, love, and communication between men and women.

2. Gender Orientation: Analyze different aspects of gender by comparing differences between males and females from a cross-cultural perspective.

3. Sexual Orientation: Analyze the life experiences and challenges experienced by gays, lesbians and bisexuals.

4. Variations in Sexual Behavior: Describe the diversity of sexual variations from the perspective of the normal-abnormal continuum.

5. Sexual Coercion: Analyze the different types of sexual coercion including, causes, effects, and treatments.

6. Sex for Sale: Analyze the issues surrounding different types of commercial sex including the characteristics of the consumers and providers.

7. Sexuality Education: Describe the challenges of sexuality education today including evidence of its effectiveness.

This is a formal written assignment that should be in APA format.

1. Summary of Article (about 1 page or 300-550 words)
Article Summary if you do not have an academic, peer reviewed journal article. This section must be in your own words with no direct quotes or copying from your article. Your summary should begin with an introduction. Consider what question(s) or issues the author is attempting to address; or what previous research prompted the authors to conduct their study? In other words, what is the purpose of this article? Then summarize in your own words what the author is saying by briefly stating his/her main points. This may involve going beyond the stated facts and seeing the whole picture or thesis. For example, Durkheim's study on suicide is not just about comparing suicide rates between Catholics and Protestants, but it is on how one's social context influences individual behavior.

2. Critical Analysis of Article (about 1 page or 300-550 words)
The analysis of your peer- reviewed article through the following questions should clearly explain and support your points. It is not enough to simply say your article is scientific and objective; explain your reasoning through demonstrating your understanding of sociology research concepts.

o Evidence: Analyzing an article involves looking at the nature of the evidence. Evidence can be scientific or non-scientific. Non-scientific evidence may be based upon opinion, anecdotal examples, or logical reasoning. Scientific evidence is empirically based using one of the four main research methods, including experiments, surveys, content analysis, or field research. If you use a research-based article clearly state the nature of the evidence and the nature of the study (if applicable). Keep in mind that not all articles are research based. Some may be based upon opinion or anecdotal evidence. Be sure to clearly describe the nature of the evidence.

o Point of view: All social scientists (and all people) have a point of view or bias. A point of view may be reflective of one's culture, gender, social class, or race/ethnicity. It may be

openly stated or hidden and relevant or irrelevant to what the author is saying. One's point of view may reflect a theoretical approach. For example, does the author's perspective reflect a social conflict, structural functional, symbolic interaction, or feminist theoretical perspective? Sometimes the sponsoring organization or journal itself reflects a particular point of view. Be clear that in this context, point of view does not mean the author's hypothesis or thesis.

o Strengths and weaknesses of the article: Consider the research methodology used and its inherent strengths and weaknesses. Is there any real evidence or does the evidence presented adequately support the author's conclusions? Consider the author's assumptions, is it reasonable? Consider the author's bias, point of view, or theoretical perspective; is it fair and reasonably objective; does it adequately explain the research question? Be sure to clearly describe both the strengths and weakness of your article. Does the article succeed in achieving its overall purpose?

o Do you agree or disagree with the author? Why or why not? Here is your chance to give your point of view on this research question. Be sure to clearly describe your point of view and your reasons for that position.

3. Sociological Concepts/Theory and Social Issues/Trends (about 1 page or 300-550 words) You are expected to demonstrate your understanding of the broader issues represented by your research question and article. Broader issues include sociology of sexuality concepts and theories discussed in the text and throughout the course; social trends and current events within Canada or the global community that apply to your topic.

Select one of the major sociology of sexuality theories that apply to your research question. Clearly define, explain, and apply this theory to your article and the research question.

In examining the current social issues and trends that relate to your research question, find out what is going on at local, provincial, national or international levels to see which best applies to your issue. News sources through the popular press include: Lethbridge Herald, Globe and Mail, CBC News, Maclean's Magazine. You may also consider using the internet or College library news database (Canadian Newstream). The links to these databases are found on Canvas. Be sure to reference all sources in APA format.

• Organization and Writing Style
This assignment requires you to answer a research question through a summary and analysis of a peer-reviewed article; and application of sociological concepts, theories, social issues or trends supported by an article from the popular media. The organization of these points therefore must therefore tie all sections together focused on answering the research question. For each of the sections, it is important to be clear about the question to which you are responding. Headings using the assignment questions will enhance your organization. As this is a formal assignment your language must be formal, clear, and concise.

Attachment:- Journal Article and Critical Analysis.rar

Reference no: EM133101118

Questions Cloud

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What is the required amount of each payment : If you want to accumulate $ 2,750 by making a series of 5 annual payments, at 8% annual interest, what is the required amount of each payment
Paper on variations in sexual behavior : Variations in Sexual Behavior - Describe the diversity of sexual variations from the perspective of the normal-abnormal continuum
What managers can do to positively affect employee morale : Describe situations and management practices that impact employee morale. Develop recommendations for what managers can do to positively affect employee morale.
What rate of return on my investments : At the end of each of the next 40 years, I'm going to put $20,000 in my retirement fund. What rate of return on my investments do I need
Three components of an ethical dilemma : The day before Rudy Gobert tested positive, he purposefully touched all themicrophones during a press conference poking fun at social-distancingprotocols.
Information about the ethical theory : Here you are providing the information about the ethical theory that you are using to arrive at the conclusion (thesis) of your position.


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