Reference no: EM132810292
If assignment is Question & Answer based then.
- Introduction is needed for each question.
- Question has to be answered based on the mark allotted for each question with references if any idea or information is taken from other source.
If assignment is case based then,
- Executive summary
- Table of content
- Introduction
- Body of assignment (questions related to case need to be answered)
- Conclusion / Recommendation if any
- References (in-text + citation) to be used.
Answer all questions. Write a minimum of 75-150 words for each answer, except for Question 4. Each question carries equal marks.
Explain how you think being able to identify parts of speech will help you on the job, in school, and in personal life with examples.
Choose a language other than English and conduct research (if necessary) to find out what capitalization rules are used. What words are commonly capitalized? What pronouns are capitalized, if any? Does the language use capital letters at all?
Some company and product names contain unconventional capitalization;
for example, eBay, PeopleSoft, PowerPoint, and QuickBooks. If you were writing to these companies, would it be important to get the capitalization, right? Why or why not? What if you were including these software packages on a résumé? Would it matter whether you capitalized them properly?
Decide whether to send a memo or a letter for each of the following situations.
Circle (or highlight) "Memo" or "Letter" to indicate your choice.
You are a project manager. You want to inform your group of the agenda for an upcoming project status meeting. (Memo/Letter)
You work for Omega Software, Inc. You recently met a potential customer at a local computer show. You want to remind this person of your brief meeting and explain more about your products. (Memo/Letter)
You are writing a 175-page, three-year plan for your department. You need to inform someone in the publishing department at your company about a design change in the document. (Memo/Letter)
A magazine ad for BlackBerry wireless devices included the following headline: "Ask Someone Why They Love Their Blackberry." Similarly, a magazine ad for James Hardie International, a manufacturer of building projects, included this heading: "Because no one ever wished they'd spent more time painting their house." Both of these sentences include pronoun-antecedent disagreements, and similar disagreements appear in numerous print ads. Why do you think so many companies make these types of errors? How do errors like this make you feel about a company? What alternatives could these companies use to avoid these types of errors?
Read the situation below. Then, write a memo using the writing guideline.
Memo to Request Information
Situation: You are an employee in a company and have decided to do a paper on the working habits of people in the company where you work part- time as a receptionist. You are particularly interested in knowing whether the employees often work overtime, whether they often take longer lunch breaks, and how they feel about management. Write a memo requesting that the employee's fill-in a short questionnaire that is attached to your memo.
Writing Guideline: Discuss the answers to the following questions:
What is the information you need?
What other questions do you want to be answered?
Why do you need the information?
When do you need it?
Do you have a form?
What is the incentive for the reader to cooperate?
Now, write the Memo, paying attention to verb forms, sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation.
Procedure: Read the situation below; then, write a memo using the writing guideline.
Memo to Apologize
Situation: You are responsible for the technical support service at the company you work for. One of the accountants at the company has asked you to set up an overhead projector in the conference room on Thursday afternoon. You have asked your assistant to take care of this. Thursday morning, while you are at a showroom, your assistant calls in to say that he won't be in the office today because of an illness in the family. Thursday afternoon the accountant comes to see you and is furious. You immediately set up the equipment she requires and then go back to your office to write a memo of apology.
Writing Guideline: Discuss your answers to the following questions:
What positive action will you take to make sure that this situation won't happen again?
How are you going to apologize to the accountant?
Briefly, yet as completely as possible, explain how the mistake happened.
What can you say that will make the accountant feel good?
Once more, assure the reader that this won't happen again.
Now, write the memo, paying attention to verb forms, sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation:
What technology tools do you use to communicate in writing on the job and in your personal life? When using these tools, do you write in complete sentences? Why or why not?
The United States uses date and time formats that are different from those used in much of the world. Choose a country and research its accepted date and time formats. In addition, discuss what problems can result from the use of different date and time formats around the world.
Attachment:- conduct research.rar