Reference no: EM132247592
Hypothesis/problem statement:
These are your research questions (what you plan to measure/examine). While this section may also be in paragraph form, I recommend your research questions be presented in a bulleted list.
Research questions must be individual questions that each measures only one item (one question = one measurement). A minimum of 3 questions are expected in this section and you should not exceed 5 questions.
You MUST put these questions in traditional hypotheses format.
Your research design is expected to be written so that if the research was executed, it would add new understanding to the existing body of knowledge on your topic. An analysis of existing literature on the topic alone will not suffice for your research design. Your research design should shed light on one or more aspects of your topic, discover new relationships between variable that were previously unknown by existing research, and/or provide new analysis not previously explored.
You need to develop a different approach to the topic.
The following student learning program outcome (SLPO) will be addressed in this assignment.
SLPO3: Analyze the ethical issues that arise in the criminal justice system and generate possible solutions.
Use the feedback provided by your course facilitator to revise and submit the final version of your paper. See the complete requirements for the final paper in the Final Project Overview.
Your final project document needs to include a title page, abstract, introduction, literature review, hypothesis/problem statement, definitions, research design/methodology, subjects, references and appendices (if applicable). Feedback provided in the previously returned draft should be incorporated into and built upon to complete the project final.
Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer.
Attachment:- Instruction.rar