Paper on the evolution of the engineering materials

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Reference no: EM132128281


Conduct a thorough literature search and write a 15-20 page technical review paper on the evolution of the engineering materials used in the manufacturing of any one of the following applications: (i) automobile parts such as crankshaft, doors, fenders, frame, wheel, control arm, and steering knuckle, (ii) superconducting wires, power transmission lines, and solar panels, (iii) aircraft wings and fuselage, (iv) actuating devices such as macro and micro actuators, transducers, and motors, and (v) music instruments.

Your paper must include a description of the following:

(a) The functional requirements; i.e., normal use or uses of the product or component. What are its normal operating conditions in terms of temperatures, loadings, impacts, corrosive media, etc.?

(b) The major property requirements (specifications), i.e., quantitative values or range of values of the properties a material must or should have to be considered for selection for this application. For example, what is the required minimum yield strength (in MPa) or maximum corrosion rate (in mm/year) required for a component to satisfactorily perform its functions? What are the characteristics that an engineering material must or should possess in order for the product or component to function satisfactorily?

(c) The types and unique characteristics of candidate engineering materials used or can be used for the manufacturing of the product. Include the following:

(i) A brief history of the development and evolution of the engineering materials used in the fabrication of the component;

(ii) Unique characteristics of the engineering materials including chemical composition and properties; and

(iii) The technical (e.g. recyclability), economic, legal, sustainability, and social hurdles that could hinder the application of some of the candidate engineering materials.

(d) The manufacturing processes used to make and/or assemble the product or component.

Required Report Format -

The format and content of the report MUST include the following:

(i) 15-20 pages long (with at least 10 pages of text).

(ii) Typewritten and 1.5 spacing.

(iii) At least 20 published papers (preferably from technical journals, trade journals, patent publications, etc.) should be cited in your report. A report based solely on information from the Internet is not acceptable, and an internet website will not be accepted as one of required 20 references.

(iv) Your report MUST have the following sections (in addition to the sections or subsections germane to your research topic):

1. Introduction

2. Description of the Product

3. Functional Requirements

4. Required Material Properties

5. Engineering Materials Used in the Manufacture of the Components

6. Manufacturing of the Component

7. References

Reference no: EM132128281

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10/1/2018 10:55:07 PM

The format and content of the report MUST include the following: 15-20 pages long (with at least 10 pages of text). Typewritten and 1.5 spacing. At least 20 published papers (preferably from technical journals, trade journals, patent publications, etc.) should be cited in your report. A report based solely on information from the Internet is not acceptable, and an internet website will not be accepted as one of required 20 references.


10/1/2018 10:55:02 PM

You should include correctly titled and sequentially numbered Tables of data and Figures (of schematics, graphs, etc.) in your technical paper. These Tables and Figures MUST be referred to in your text. Your paper MUST be paginated. Units and abbreviations - SI units must be used. All abbreviations should be spelled out in full on first appearance, e.g., scanning electron microscope (SEM). You are not permitted to make up (or create) "lazy" abbreviations.

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