Reference no: EM131074988 , Length:
Select a news article dated within the previous two months and analyze the issue using the economic concepts and theory learned in this class.
Include at least one graph developed in our course. Possible concepts include:
Taxes and consumer or producer surplus.
demand, supply, and equilibrium price of a particular product.
elasticity on a particular product.
perfect competition and imperfect competition, such as monopolies.
labor market, wages, and income inequality.
poverty and public policy
This report should be 3-5 pages double-spaced typewritten pages (without tables and graphs).
Additional guidelines: the article must be at least 500 words and it must cover a specific microeconomic topic.
You can use more then one article. Your article(s) must be approved by the instructor before week 6. When the article is submitted you must indicated the topic of your paper.
Your research paper should incorporate content module material as is appropriate.
For example, if you are doing a paper on the elasticity of a product then text/content material from week two should be embedded to support/refute article analysis.
Availability of accurate customer and internal process
: Real-time availability of accurate customer and internal process information to front-line employees Ability to launch new products Ability to create more value for customers
What aer the pros and cons of such laws
: Talk about controversy, has there been anything that has generated such continuing turmoil in our country than labor management relations? When and why did unions develop? Why are unions in decline now?
Find the principal components of the data for exercise 2
: Find the principal components of the data for Exercise 2.
Main challenges of growing a business
: Business is the main activity in the modern societies, what are the main challenges of growing a business?
Paper on the elasticity of a product
: Analyze the issue using the economic concepts and theory learned in class - elasticity on a particular product.
Forecasting-methods class
: What is an important dependent variable that you've worked with in the past (whether it be sales, profits, demand, retention, satisfaction, etc.)?
Business practices for sustaining successful
: Write a paper of 1,500-1,750 words discussing how Blue Ocean practices will close gaps or replace ineffective business practices to produce successful, sustainable organizations. In your discussion, include the following:
Find the first principal component of the data
: Find the first principal component of the data, and compute the percentage of the total variance that is contained in this component.
Airlines copy southwest model
: Southwest has mastered the low price model and has the financial results to prove it. Why don't other airlines copy Southwest's model? What risk does Southwest face?