Paper on the case of tourism in tobago

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM132867938

SALI6012 Research Methods

Prepare a Research paper on A blessing or a set-back? An exploration into the advantages and disadvantages of Self Autonomy within a twin island state relationship. The case of tourism in Tobago.






Maximizing Tourism Benefits in Tobago Islands
Island Sovereignty In Twin Island And Tourism Development
General Trinidad And Tobago Tourism Characteristics and Need For Autonomy


Research Philosophy
Research Approach
Research Strategy
Research Choice
Time Horizon
Planned Operationalization
Data Collection and Analysis
Data Protection
Ethical Considerations


Reference no: EM132867938

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4/26/2021 12:18:48 AM

Only focused on the methodology section of the proposal. The rest of the proposal is for context I need a research philosophy and a proper over of the SWOT analysis, mixed-method or quantitative approach. Its review, edit and correct

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