Paper on potential legal, ethical, and information security

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Reference no: EM13211944 , Length: 3 Pages

Kudler Fine Foods is in the process of developing a new frequent shopper program. Details of this program are described in the Service Request SR-kf-013 and on the Sales & Marketing page of the Kudler Fine Foods intranet website. 

Write a 3 page paper describing the potential legal, ethical, and information security concerns related to the development of the Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program.

Discuss in your paper any specific costs related to these issues that are relevant to your review. These could include fines and other costs related to problems in these areas.

Keep your analysis focused on the requested concerns, not the project itself. Your paper should focus on making management aware of the issues that must be addressed in the new system and should not directly cover the implementation process.

Include in your description how this information system has an effect on the organizational structure. Ensure that there are two valid academic references provided to support all information presented. As a quick reminder, The Kudler web site is not a valid academic refernece nor is Wikipedia or any other type of dictionary or encyclopedia. Look to use the textbook as well as professional journals to locate information that supports your writings. 

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Reference no: EM13211944

Questions Cloud

Body temperatures begin to drop : With the approach of night our body temperatures begin to drop. This best illustrates the dynamics of the?
Identify and explain marx’s view of social class : identify and explain Marx’s view of social class. How relevant is his view of social class to the study of social stratification
Difference between formal and informal reasoning is correct : Which of the following statements about the difference between formal and informal reasoning is correct?
Defined as conscious-intentional recollection of event : defined as conscious, intentional recollection of an event or an item of information
Paper on potential legal, ethical, and information security : Write a 3 page paper describing the potential legal, ethical, and information security concerns related to the development of the Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program.
The ethical demand : The need for increasing oversight in psychological research is changing as demand for ethical practices and complexities of research are challenged.
Difference between formal and informal reasoning : Which of the following statements about the difference between formal and informal reasoning is correct?
Approach of night our body temperatures begin to drop : With the approach of night our body temperatures begin to drop. This best illustrates the dynamics of the?
Defined as conscious-intentional recollection : defined as conscious, intentional recollection of an event or an item of information


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