Paper - Exploring hypothesis about a topic in earth science

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Reference no: EM132091512 , Length: 8

Assignment -

Write 7-8 page paper exploring a hypothesis about a topic in earth science. You will use at least 3 scholarly articles with a common theme to generate and support a hypothesis about some phenomenon related to earth science.

1. Find a topic: The best way to get started is it to do some casual reading about a couple of topics that interest you.

  • Find one scholarly article about something that interests you, and let it lead you to the rest. For example, find something interesting within the article, and the trace it back through the citations.
  • Look for a subtopic within the area, so you can narrow your focus. I'm not looking for you to tell me everything there is to know about earthquakes (for example), or to recreate the textbook account. It's a lot easier, and a lot more interesting to limit your focus to one theme.
  • Before going through with the paper, pull your articles together and show them to the professor for approval.

2. Write the paper

  • Introduction: Keeping in mind that you are pulling together some sort of common theme. Write an introductory sentence. Give us some background. Then lead us to a hypothesis, or a common theme thata will pull it all together. (1-2 pages)
  • Body of paper. Consult at least 3 scholarly articles for the body of the paper. Try to link the articles together around a common theme or hypothesis. (3-4 pages)
  • Conclusion (1/2 - 1 page)

3. Present it to the class - the paper is due on the last day of class. However, you will also be required to create an informal presentation to show the class what you have discovered.

  • 10 min in length
  • Format of presentation; you can just give a casual talk, with or without audio visuals. If you want you can make a short Powerpoint presentation, using 3-5 slides (no videos). Limit the time to 5-6 minutes to allow time for question/answer session.
  • Make up some questions in advance to get a discussion started.
  • Depending on the number of presentations that day, you may be allowed more time to develop your discussion.

Research / Thesis Essay AND In-class Presentation -

Description: A Research/Thesis Essay is a writing assignment where you may either:

1. Research a specific topic to gain better insight and then express your interpretations and evaluations, or,

2. Make a persuasive argument or take a stand on an issue and then provide evidence to prove the validity of your points.

It is important to make references to the facts presented in the materials even when expressing opinions. You may use the course text in addition to other sources. The intent of the paper is for you to do research and then convey it in a clear and meaningful way with interpretations and insights.

Your Introductory Paragraph

Introduce your topic and clearly make a strong thesis statement, which is what you plan to prove or explain in your essay.

Organizing Your Ideas

  • Thesis statement forms the basis of the essay
  • Decide on a few key ideas that express your thesis statement
  • Each of these key ideas can become their own paragraphs
  • Develop your ideas in each paragraph by using examples, giving details, and using quotes
  • The use of the first person "I" is not appropriate for a research essay.

Body of your Essay: Present your ideas in a logical way with references to texts.

Concluding Paragraph: Reiteration of your thesis statement and summary of your arguments or points.

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Reference no: EM132091512

Questions Cloud

Would you offer your scientific insights : Would you offer your scientific insights that might threaten establishment views?
Newton laws of motion : Do the three of these objects react the same way to Newton's Laws of Motion? Please share your thoughts.
What is the speed of the river current : If, on first swimming to the east bank, she had wanted to swim straight across the river, ending up directly across the river from her starting point
Radial acceleration of a point on a rotating : What is the difference between the tangential acceleration and the radial acceleration of a point on a rotating object?
Paper - Exploring hypothesis about a topic in earth science : SCI 101 Assignment - Write 7-8 page paper exploring a hypothesis about a topic in earth science. Research a specific topic to gain better insight
Estimate the amount of cash needed to start the business : Propose the value proposition of the product or service the business will offer and explain the rationale.
Create a balance sheet for a typical bank : Would you characterize the U.S. dollar as a freely floating or dirty float system? What characteristics support your answer?
Capacitance of a portion of a circuit : What capacitance can be added to the circuit to produce this effect without removing existing circuit elements? Must any existing connections be broken
What is the magnitude of the magnetic field : What is the magnitude of the magnetic field that it produces?



8/21/2018 3:55:10 AM

Essay Format is required - APA Style, Length: 1,500-1,700 words, 5-7 Pages (not including title or reference pages), Typed using 1” Margins; Double-spaced; 12 point font. Include: Your Name; Course Name; Instructor’s Name; Title; and Date. Works Cited: Required - Use at least three (3) outside sources (books, articles, commentaries).


8/21/2018 3:55:04 AM

Present it to the class – the paper is due on the last day of class. However, you will also be required to create an informal presentation to show the class what you have discovered. 10 min in length. Format of presentation; you can just give a casual talk, with or without audio visuals. If you want you can make a short Powerpoint presentation, using 3-5 slides (no videos). Limit the time to 5-6 minutes to allow time for question/answer session. Make up some questions in advance to get a discussion started. Depending on the number of presentations that day, you may be allowed more time to develop your discussion.


8/21/2018 3:54:57 AM

Introduction: An engaging introduction, states clearly the main topic and previews the structure of the essay. Thesis Statement: Clearly and concisely states the essay’s purpose, which is engaging and thought-provoking. Main Point / Body of the Essay: Well developed main points/topic sentences that relate directly to the thesis. Each paragraph has thoughtful supporting detail sentences that develop the main idea. Organization: Logical and subtle sequencing of ideas through well-developed paragraphs. Transitions are effective and enhance the organization of the essay.


8/21/2018 3:54:47 AM

Conclusion: The conclusion is engaging and restates the thesis. Style: Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Diction is consistent and words are well chosen. Grammar & Mechanics: Punctuation, capitalization, spelling, paragraphing, spacing, indentation, and margining are proper. The ideas have been properly cited with a variety of citation techniques (quotation/ summary/ paraphrase). Citation: All cited works, both text and visual, are done in correct format with no errors. Bibliography: Done in the correct format with no errors. Includes more than 3 major references (e.g. journal articles, books, but no more than two internet sites).

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