Paper directly related to marriage and the family

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Reference no: EM132406121

Students will be required to do an eight page research paper directly related to marriage and the family, double spaced with standard margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and cited according to APA guidelines. Students will produce a paper on marriage and the family, conduct research on the topic, and write a well-written academic essay. The essay should present the topic, outline research conducted, present theoretical lens used to understand topic, discuss the social significance of topic, and outline an interpretation of a type of social change. The research paper is worth 20%.


Choose a topic to research

Must include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement.

Inform the reader of your points of view based on your research.

Provide the reader at least 5 points of your topic.

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.


Use statistics and other credible sources (journal articles, etc) to support you points.

Expand on your five points

Use strong word choices to make your points.


Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.

Summarize your opening statement as well as the main points.

Reference no: EM132406121

Questions Cloud

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Paper directly related to marriage and the family : Students will be required to do an eight page research paper directly related to marriage and the family, double spaced with standard margins,
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Has the notion of polite-civilized and conversation : Has the notion of "polite, civilized, conversation"---a characteristic of the Rococo period----disappeared? Is this a good or a bad thing?
Find an example of biodiversity loss : Biodiversity is a critical topic globally. Find an example of biodiversity loss. Discuss its impact on the environment.
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