Paid professional legislatures

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Reference no: EM132457792

In the spirit of politics, this discussion question is in the form of a debate, which means you must choose a side. Do you believe full-time, well-paid professional legislatures with large staffs produce better results than those with part-time, lower-paid citizen members? Take a side and use specific examples to support your argument.

Reference no: EM132457792

Questions Cloud

Describe the various stages in the supply chain : What are some industries in which products have proliferated and life cycles have shortened? How have the supplychains in these industries adapted?
Discuss cyber-attacks have risen to unparalleled extremes : Discuss Cyber-attacks have risen to unparalleled extremes.The impending threat and the way we create secure environments will change, or businesses
What is the see saw effect of successful federalism : What is the seesaw effect of successful federalism? Discuss this with the sources of national government and state power. Provide 2 cases as examples
Discuss the issue of securing backups and explain : Discuss the issue of securing backups. There have been several incidents lately in which backup media containing personal customer information were lost
Paid professional legislatures : In the spirit of politics, this discussion question is in the form of a debate, which means you must choose a side.
What is the importance of identity in african cultures : What is the importance of identity in African cultures?
Discuss and develop a marketing plan for a small business : Discuss and develop a marketing plan for a small business (either real or fictional). In Week 3, each group will submit a brief introduction (1-2 pages)
Principles of the separation of powers system : In some cases, we have seen that the president can take actions that have the force of law. Identify, define and discuss at least three different institutions
What do you think the american people should elect : What do you think the American people should elect as President this year? Why? (Minimum 250 word)!


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