P value approach to hypothesis testing

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM1319817

Question: An automobile dealership has as one of its performance goals that the proportion of its automobiles sold that are deemed ‘good value for the money’ by the buyer is at least .90. For a random sample of 400 automobiles sold over the past six months, 352 were deemed by the purchasers to be ‘good value for the money.’ Does this sample data provide evidence that the dealership is not meeting its performance goal? Either use the p-value approach to hypothesis testing or use the significance level approach with α = .05.

Reference no: EM1319817

Questions Cloud

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Probability values : Probability values.
Find the upper & lower confidence limit : Find the upper & lower confidence limit.
Confidence interval for the mean test score : Confidence interval for the mean test score.
P value approach to hypothesis testing : Either use the p-value approach to hypothesis testing or use the significance level approach with α = .05.
Find the probability of an alarm : Find the probability of an alarm.
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Find the mean & the standard deviation of the total amount : Compute the mean & the standard deviation of the total amount that this investor in 1 year from these four investments.
Find the probability of observing : Find the probability of observing


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