Own file to test your program

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13164409

Write a program which reads a file and creates a file with the same contents of all lower case letters. Keep in mind that other characters are not affected.
Create your own file to test your program. Your job is to set up the input and output files to have the program read from a file and write to a file. Here is a basic program that will accomplish what is desired:

import java.io.*;
class InputOutput
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception
FileReader fr = new FileReader("Exercise03.in");
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("Exercise03.out");


int ch;
ch = fr.read();
while(ch != -1)
if((char)ch>='A' && (char)ch<='Z')ch = ch +('a'-'A');
ch = fr.read();

Reference no: EM13164409

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