Ow many servings of each food should have in an optimal diet

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131440392

Question: Joe is an active 26-year-old male who lifts weights 6 days a week. His rigorous training program requires a diet that will help his body recover efficiently. He is also a graduate student who is looking to minimize the cost of consuming his favorite foods. Joe is trying to gain weight, or at least maintain his current body weight so he is not concerned about calories. His personal trainer suggests at least 300 grams of protein, 95 grams of fat, 225 grams of carbohydrates, and no more than 110 grams of sodium per day. His favorite foods are all items that he is familiar with preparing as shown in the table below. He is willing to consume multiple servings of each food per day to meet his requirements, although he cannot eat more than one steak per day and does not want to eat more than three pulled pork sandwiches a day. He needs to consume at least two servings of broccoli per day, and one serving of carrots but is willing to eat two servings of carrots if necessary. Joe likes a certain brand of nutrition bars, but he would not eat more than one. Unless previously noted, he does not want more than five servings of any one food. How many servings of each food should he have in an optimal daily diet?


Reference no: EM131440392

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