Reference no: EM132624137
Please give me some suggestion how this task can be done.
Based on the email and its attachments, you are to complete the following tasks:
1. Review the CBSA website and position description attached with the email. Consider what your work goals for 12 months would be if you were in that position. One of the work goals should be in relation to your own professional development and all goals must be SMART goals.
2. A professional, error free brief report of approximately one page covering the following topics:
a) An overview of CBSA, including the purpose of the business, where it is located and their website address.
b) An overview of the company's goals or objectives.
c) An overview of the position description for the job role you are role playing. Describe the key responsibilities of the job role.
d) An outline of the five work goals that you have identified for this job position, including why these goals are relevant to the job role and the CBSA's strategic goals/plans. Explain why these are suitable goals for a 12-month period.