Overview of the descriptive statistics

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM13831029

The paper has to be in the exact red highlighted set-up listed below on page 2-4. A title page and reference page included.

Questions to answer:

    • Research Question - List the research question for the study.
    • Hypotheses - List the statistical notation and written explanations for the null and alternative hypotheses for the study.
    • Variables - Identify the variables and each of their attributes: discrete or continuous, quantitative or categorical, scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and independent or dependent.
    • Descriptive statistics - Write an overview of the descriptive statistics (1 paragraph), including the appropriate and necessary statistical results within sentences and in proper APA formatting.  Be sure to provide sufficient explanation for any numbers presented.  Consider the following in your overview and conclusions:
    • How many individuals participated in the study? 
    • How do the measures of central tendency and variability provide us with an overview of the characteristics and shape of the distribution of each variable?  What are these statistics?
    • ANOVA - Write an overview of the results of the ANOVA (1 paragraph plus ANOVA table), including the appropriate and necessary statistical results within sentences and in proper APA formatting.  Be sure to provide sufficient explanation for any numbers presented.  Consider the following in your overview and conclusions:
      • What type of ANOVA was conducted? Why?
      • Was this a one-tailed or two-tailed test?
      • Should a post-hoc test have been conducted?  Why or why not?  If so, what were the results of this test?
      • What do the results tell us about our hypotheses?
      • What conclusions can we draw from these results?  What conclusions can we NOT make using these results?
      • What issues regarding how the data was collected, either in relation to ethics or research design, should be considered in the interpretation of the data?
  • Study Description:

The founder of a small, innovative, technology company has utilized a team concept to foster competition among three different creativity teams, each of which has five members. He is interested in comparing the effectiveness of these three teams, which are different in terms of experience in the field: Team A (0-5 years experience per member); Team B (6-10 years experience per member); and Team C (11 or more years experience per member). Each team's effectiveness is measured via the number of projects they have won over the other two teams, and then completed successfully, each month over the last year.

  • Research Question-List the research question for the study.

Hint:  Note the teams are classified in terms of years of experience of their members and the objective of the study is to compare the effectiveness of teams based on the number of projects completed.

  • Hypotheses - List the statistical notation and written explanations for the null and alternative hypotheses for the study.

Hint:  Review examples of one-way ANOVA and repeated measures ANOVA posted in the threads. 

  • Variables - Identify the variables and each of their attributes: discrete or continuous, quantitative or categorical, scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and independent or dependent.

Hint: Review data table on page 1 of the output and identify the variables.  Note there are two variables which are Team (A, B and C) and Performance (number of projects successfully completed by each team).  Can we say that team is the independent variable and performance as the dependent variable?  Note Team variable has three categories (A, B and C) which are just labels.  Is it nominal?  Performance data is quantitative and hence it needs to be classified as either interval or ratio. Review the data in the table and classify it appropriately.

  • Descriptive statistics - Write an overview of the descriptive statistics (1 paragraph), including the appropriate and necessary statistical results within sentences and in proper APA formatting. Be sure to provide sufficient explanation for any numbers presented. Consider the following in your overview and conclusions:
  • How many employees participated in the study?
  • How do the measures of central tendency and variability provide us with an overview of the characteristics and shape of the distribution of each variable? What are these statistics?

Hint:  Descriptive statistics - Write an overview of the descriptive statistics (1 paragraph), including the appropriate and necessary statistical results within sentences and in proper APA formatting. Be sure to provide sufficient explanation for any numbers presented. Consider the following in your overview and conclusions:

How many employees participated in the study?

Value of N in the descriptive statistics table on page 2 defines the number of employees participated in the study.

How do the measures of central tendency and variability provide us with an overview of the characteristics and shape of the distribution of each variable? What are these statistics?

Review descriptive statistics for the variables on pages 2 and 3 of the output and write an overview of what the statistics tell us in terms of mean and standard deviation etc for teams A, B and C in terms of number of projects completed.

  • ANOVA - Write an overview of the results of the ANOVA (1 paragraph plus ANOVA table), including the appropriate and necessary statistical results within sentences and in proper APA formatting.  Be sure to provide sufficient explanation for any numbers presented.  Consider the following in your overview and conclusions:
  • What type of ANOVA was conducted? Why?
  • Was this a one-tailed or two-tailed test?
  • Should a post-hoc test have been conducted? Why or why not? If so, what were the results of this test?
  • What do the results tell us about our hypotheses?
  • What conclusions can we draw from these results? What conclusions can we NOT make using these results?
  • What issues regarding how the data was collected, either in relation to ethics or research design, should be considered in the interpretation of the data?

Hint:  Please note in one-way ANOVAwe are testing the equality of means for different levels of the independent variable (more than two means).  Also note this is very similar to t-test for equality means where we compare two means.  In the case of repeated measures ANOVA, we collect data on thesame participants under repeated conditions and test their means.

Note if the expected direction of the result is specified by the investigator then it is a one-tailed test; otherwise a two-tailed test.

Note using the one-way ANOVA analysis if you reject the null hypothesis then it means there is difference between means.  The ANOVA results will not tell us which treatment means are significant and for that purpose we need to conduct a post-hoc test.  Answer to this question depends on whether we reject the null hypothesis or not based on one-way ANOVA analysis.

Please review the links below with examples on how to interpret the SPSS output for one-Way ANOVA analysis to answer the last three questions above.



Reference no: EM13831029

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