Overview of market trends and developments

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131278073 , Length: word count:1500

Assessment (report and presentation)

Assessment description

You will review and finalise your report (developed throughout Assessment Tasks 1 and 2) on market trends and business performance in response to feedback from your assessor. You will then deliver an informal presentation to a small group.


Part A

1. Contact your assessor by email, phone or in person to request feedback on your draft report from Assessment Task 2.

2. Based on your assessor's feedback, review your draft report from Assessment Task 2 and make any required changes, paying particular attention to the visual presentation of the report and the data analysis.

3. Add an appendix to you report that identifies software applications that are commonly used in quantitative and qualitative analysis and outline their key features.

Part B

1. Prepare to present your main findings in an informal presentation, suitable to a team meeting. Your presentation should not be longer than ten minutes. Include some visual graphics to support your analysis and findings (e.g. charts and graphs presented in a slideshow). Your presentation will need to cover:

a. an overview of market trends and developments
b. an overview of the organisation's current performance
c. a forecast of emerging market needs.

2. Arrange a time with your assessor to deliver your presentation.

3. Deliver your presentation, ensuring that you match your tone and style of delivery to the audience and context (team meeting).

4. Submit the required documents for assessment as per the specifications below. Be sure to keep a copy for your records.

Assessor will provide further instructions in class room on completing assessment tasks which will clearly outline all requirements in more detail and simplistic way according to your understanding level. You may also request your trainer for additional information and may seek help with summarising of all instructions.

Submission specifications

You must submit:
- a final report that includes:
? modifications required by the assessor
? an additional appendix
- notes, handouts or supporting documents from your presentation.
Your assessor will be looking for:
- writing skills to prepare reports containing complex ideas and concepts
- oral communication skills to present information to an audience using appropriate register and vocabulary
- communication skills to draw on a range of communication practices - visual, oral and writing - to present findings
- technology skills to enter and analyse data and to visually present information
- knowledge of:

? internal and external sources of information relevant to market trends software applications that are commonly used in quantitative and qualitative analysis and their key features.

Attachment:- Appendix-1.rar

Reference no: EM131278073

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