Overarching challenge for effective antitrust enforcement

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM131391971

In her Aug. 22, 2016, keynote address at the Technology Policy Institute Aspen Forum titled “Protecting Consumer Privacy in the Digital Age, what did Edith Ramirez, FTC Chairwoman, say is the “overarching challenge” for effective antitrust enforcement?

A. She said that the overarching challenge is fostering technological innovation and growth while protecting consumers’ privacy.

B. The overarching challenge is determining which, if any, of the “fundamental tenets” of consumer production are outdated and ill-suited for today’s digital world.

C. The overarching challenge is put in place protections that will allow consumers to “opt out” of receiving ads, etc., if they choose.

D. The overarching challenge is establishing a “bright line” between PII and non-PII data.

E. None of the statements in A—D reflect Chairwoman Ramirez’ views about the overarching challenge facing antitrust enforcers.

Reference no: EM131391971

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